A cunt that:
*pulls out flaws you dont have just to make you do whatever she fucking wants
*Gives you several mental disorders like anxiety and depression
*blames her shitty job at raising you on technology and anything you like
Your mom is a cunt, all of them are
Someone who gives you any kind of mental disorder, from bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety.
They also make sure to get your self esteem as low as possible, so that you lose 3 years of your life trying to get it back.
And if you arent a smart little teacher's pet? Haha i hope you didnt need that 2% of self esteem left inside you.
Son: hey mom, i got a mediocre grade, sorry about that, im gonna do better next time
After hearing that, mom goes into "bitch mode" and proceeds to make you feel like shit again.