Source Code

Brown Anvil

a massive shit

Robbie dropped a brown anvil.

by sigmadawg February 28, 2025

Brown Anvil


Robbie dropped a brown anvil.

by sigmadawg February 28, 2025

Brown Breakfast

When you wake up to your sexual partner defecating in your mouth.

“I had a great night with john! It went so well I ended up feeding him a brown breakfast!”

by catfelixe February 18, 2024

Brown Bandito

The coolest dick slinging, war fighting, son of a bitch that you’ll ever meet.

Jack: I heard Frank is a real Brown Bandito.

Paul: Yeah, my girlfriend can’t keep her hands off of him, know what I’m saying? *Asian laugh*

by DemonOfAleppo October 6, 2020

Roy A. Brown III

See: Talent

Just ask Roy Roy A. Brown III.

by SceneYourPsyko April 17, 2021

Shawn Brown

A skinny insecure Star Wars nerd who’s goal in life is to be as soft and lazy as humanly possible. Typically Shawn Brown’s use things as their grandmothers being in the hospital so they can skip plans they made a month in advance.

“Who’s that rat fuck walking with his hands in his pockets and greasy hair coming out of the hood of the same Flannel he wears everyday”

“Oh that’s just a Shawn Brown”

by Greasy fuck January 22, 2020

Brown clown

An extremely hardcore form of synthetic marijuana Mixed with tobacco that puts the user in a baby or primitive like state. If they are still standing.

You see Johnny over there foaming at the mouth on the floor over there? Yeah, he smoked a brown clown.

by Gamete man February 24, 2020