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Drabble's Disease

A form of stress suffered by all security officers, especially when they have to rush back and forth and are always forgetting things. One major symptom of Drabble's Disease is the constant going back and forth to retrieve something you forgot. The disease was named in honor of the world's greatest mall cop, Sergeant Ralph E. Drabble, Jr.

Ralph: Oh no, I've got to go to work here in a second. But I forgot my wallet. (He finds his wallet) Bye!

Rose: Bye Ralph, have a great day! (she sits down and starts reading)

Ralph: (coming back) Sorry, forgot my cell phone. Dang Drabble's Disease! Come to think of it, I forgot my lunch.

Rose: Drabble's Disease?! What in the world is that?

Ralph: Its what happens when mall cops get stressed. We forget everything. Its terrible! We have to do jumping jacks just to calm down.

Rose: Have you tried other forms of therapy?

Ralph: (he punches the air with anger) Yes, but I don't know what else helps. Darn mall cops! We don't know what to do when this hits.

Rose: Try massage or walking back and forth making healing noises. That's what always works for me! The more stressed you are, the harder it is.

Ralph: OK, maybe massage and Qigong would help. You sure know what you're talking about.

Rose: Sure, I've studied this stuff for years. Its not easy! But you've got to eaaaaaase away that Drabble's Disease.

by Dusty's Baby Powder September 16, 2011

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Assmanheimer's Disease

A condition whereby a persons frequently opens their mouth when they shouldn't while publicly displaying their buttcrack.

Damn that assmanheimer's Disease. Once again he got me in trouble with his mouth and blinded me with his crack!

by Not quite the 16th December 19, 2012

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Beeks Disease

when you spend money on dumb bitches that are fucking every one else, draining your life and you're too stupid to kick her to the curb.

He's back together with the chick that fucked his friends, stole his money and he's still paying her bills. He has Beeks Disease.

by John ferrell December 17, 2008

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Mcdonald's disease

When you love Mcdonald's soo damn much you can't drive by without stopping and getting your fatass self a Big Mac and large fries to go.

Jon: Yo! There's a mac d's, pull the fuck over!

Tim: Aw yeah son gotta have me my McChickens!!

Jon: No tellin' man, we got Mcdonald's disease

by Jonanthon December 17, 2011

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azn disease

a disease which you are stuck loving azn(asian) people and there is no cure

Dude,why are you staring at that azn(ching) person? Do you have azn disease or something?

by <3 azn people November 13, 2010

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Poseidon's Disease

The systematic wasting away of brain matter

Guy 1: What is with him recently?

Guy 2: He's been doing a lot of drugs, caught crabs and has Poseidon's Disease.

Guy 1: That explains why he's getting stupider

by MamboNZ April 8, 2009

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Butthurt Disease

A fatal disease spread by the butthurt ginger troll, Nick Santino, from the band A Rocket To The Moon. Symptoms are: extreme bitterness, tweeting about how your life sucks, and sinusitis.

Patient: I think I have sinusitis. Ugh, I hate life.

Doctor: When do you think this started?
Patient: About a week ago, I saw a concert.

Doctor: Well, it looks to me it was a Rocket To The Moon concert because you might've caught a severe case of butthurt disease. Which only can be spread by the troll, Nick Santino.

by Halvo January 11, 2011

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