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Cluster farm

A cluster farm is the PG-13 version of a cluster fuck.

The government response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a cluster farm.

by lasrubieras March 25, 2020

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Turnip farming

A sex act popular in certain fetish circles.

It involves a man cumming inside the asshole of a partner. He then eats out the asshole to get the "turnip seed" (cum). Turnip farming requires that the asshole cannot be cleaned out beforehand (there must be "soil" present). There is some disagreement in the community as to how much soil should be present. While some members enjoy nothing more than a dirty asshole, more hardcore fetishists may take more extreme measures (e.g. drugs, restricting bowel movements, etc.) in order to increase the amount of soil present.

Bob regularly engages in turnip farming. Yesterday, he came in Sally's asshole and farmed his turnips.

by Sexbeard August 2, 2016

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Farm Fag

Someone who lives on a farm/ ranch and is probably incest

All these nasty farm fags are so uncivilized

by Squidwards Bitch June 30, 2019

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Pringle Farm

A farm in a family full of fat asses that produces pringles.

Hey look at that family they are all so fucking fat. They must have a Pringle farm.

by Lebron James 69 February 5, 2023

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cucumber farm

The insertion of many cucumbers in the anus at one point of time.

"Ahh, my ass is sore!"
"How come Isaiah?"
"I had a cucumber farm up there!"

by Sir Kaneye East III May 11, 2016

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Calm the farm

Vb; to lace industrial cattle feed with quaaludes

"Why are you throwing handfuls of pills into the feeding trough?"
"Bro, we just gotta calm the farm."

by Ridley Amstrad October 9, 2016

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pvc farm

The lots that remained after the housing crash. They typically have pvc tubes stubbed out of the slab.

They were going to build another Starbucks their, but now it is a PVC farm.

by crumsnatcher July 29, 2010

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