When you make a really big, really smelly poop, package it in a box, and ship it to someone on their birthday. It is usually wrapped in birthday wrapping paper
Today was such a great birthday, then after my party, I got home and recieved some potato mail.
a term used after having sex with a woman
Oh sorry Brian I was too busy mailing the package
Any sort of unrequested email, text or other social media communication, especially sexually-oriented messages or containing pictures of genitalia on the internet. Abbreviated: DJM
Sending Digital Junk Mail turns your social media into anti-social media especially when it contains pictures of genitalia.
Mail stamps originally originated from the small land mass know as English. The first homo sapien to use these sticky pieces of technology was a man by the name of Dr J.Murdoch. Dr Murdoch sat in his chair wondering what to do with this pieces of paper. Dr Murdoch decided they would be good to put on those envelope things. So he slapped one on a envelope. Dr Murdoch instantly thought it looked sick. So he started printing a heap of them. When they were finished printing he sat down to have his dinner, which was Chicken soup (prepared by his lovely wife). While he was eating he admired his stamps. Then he dropped then all I his soup on accident. He quickly scooped them out and let them dry. He sniffed them and they smelled like chicken. He liked it and decided that he'd do it to all his stamps from now on. And that's why all the mail stamps now smell like chicken.
Mmm chicken mail stamps smell good
When you run an AD on a SEX SITE and it never comes to FRUITION.
The object of E-MAIL WRESTLING like sports wrestlers is BURN your opponent on the SEXUAL ACT they desire , as PIN them to the MAT and drop out being basking in all the glory with self masturbation.
Utilization of U.S. Postal and email forms of marketing solicitations sent to recipients, and with the intent to persuade a reply from recipients, a "call to action" or to make a purchase.
Bill complained that he is tired of finding voluminous amounts of mail persuasion within his post office box and email inbox.
This the term for communications sent via email or text while under the influence of ale or other alcoholic beverages. They are typically not a good or even okay idea and lead to negative outcomes.
Barry was despondent when he awoke terribly hungover and read the response from Linda ending their relationship. He knew he should not have sent that ale mail last night, but he did anyway cause he a drunk ass with huge insecurities.