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pubescent turkey

Someone who is being immature or trying to act older than they actually are; it can also be used as comeback in almost every situation possible

Example A:

*12 year old boy tries to act 14*

You pubescent turkey, get a fucking life.

Example B:

Person: Leo you fucking piece of bread.

You (Leo): You pubescent turkey don't fucking talk to me.

*curse words such as ass or fucking can be inserted between "pubescent" and "turkey"

Example C:

Person: Laura you're being a bitch.

You (Laura): You pubescent ass turkey get the fuck away from me.

by saltyturkey April 27, 2016

Turkey screwing

When one tries to have sex with anyone resembling the look of a turkey. Usually a very mature person with the small amount of skin hanging from their neck. Also having a small body.

Dave: Did you see Ron last night?
Rowan: No, why?
Dave: He hit the retirement home and did a little turkey screwing!
Rowan: Eww... Ron's nasty..

by ShilohGenerals83 September 9, 2008

Turkey Cradle

While engaged in doggy style sex, the female reaches underneath and cups and/or fondles the scrotum. Ideally, one of the parties involved makes a turkey gobble sound.

So I'm bangin' Donna doggy style last night, next thing I know she's givin' me the ol' TURKEY CRADLE!!!

by stevey-cakes October 25, 2014

Fear turkey

The thing I'll fuck right after sending another death threat to the Pope.

I just want to inflict as much fear as I can - just as stuffing a turkey. Which I'll then proceed to have sex with. That's right, I'm going to FUCK the fear turkey!

by thecrimsonfuckr_#vampire November 22, 2017

2👍 1👎

Turkey Pubis

Fine dining for all. Superb cuisine usually regulated for the wealthy. However pubis can be enjoyed by all walks of life. Slang for something that is delightfully tasty yet sexually enticing.

Bro the turkey pubis is plentiful tonigh, t I'm going to put it in manually.

by Gaping Boiz of ATX May 22, 2023

river turkey

A massive Goose, who is guarding the source of Algae

I was walking by the canal, and I saw this massive river turkey!

by Fuffywaffle October 12, 2018

Turkey lettuce

Turkey lettuce is the language of the gods only the ogs can use it if you use the og Turkey lettuce you will get your cheeks clapped with a side of frys


*say turkey lettuce in a autistic voice and then do a autistic hand gesture*

by leviathan69 October 3, 2019