Used to describe someone who is absurdly thicc, thicc like oatmeal. Synonymous with rethicculous.
Dang watching her walk by I had to stop and stare, she had that oatmeal body.
When you look at your body and there is nothing about your body that you would change.
I've lost 30 pounds. Now I'm 150 pounds at 5'5". I may not look like a Victoria's Secret model but my body is perfect just the way it is. My goal has been achieved: body nirvana.
a 'benefit' of overpopulation. one sometimes simply doesn't have the patience to deal...!
jane explained she'd rather have a quiet evening at home, she'd had about enough of bodies and machines........
the u.d. thumbs down clown will be SURE to 'thumbs-down'
my bodies and machines concept!!
i had a pretty good time, despite a surplus of bodies and machines..............
To Take A Huge Loss of A Person ,Friend ,Family Lover or Property .Unexpected humiliation and
Anger or perhaps Have A lot of Sadness Behind
The Situation.
I Found Out My Friends Got Killed Last Night
“That Hurt The Body”
preparing your body for an upcoming event; be it working out or whatever is necessary to make it perform or look its best.
I'm body preppin for the big game this week
The soft, flabby pear or apple shape body associated with middle and high school public teachers.
6th period Spanish class had no idea Mrs . Lopez was pregnant that just thought she had teacher body.