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kanye west

A general douchebag. He does have occasionally good lyrics and occasionally good beats, but most of the time, his shit is the same as everyone except that it tries to have "soul." The main reason that I dislike Kanye West is because he had his main single, "Jesus Walks" written and produced by someone else.

sez chiseven:
The best part though, is how they attempt to use Kanye's poor lyrics as a way to put me in my place with the "mayonaise colored cars/I push MIRACLE whips" line. Look, that line is stupid. Miracle Whip is a salad-dressing. Look on the label. This little play on words is not really that clever. Who the fuck would pen a line about how awesome it is to drive semen-colored cars besides Kanye West? If your idea is that Kanye West is killing me with homo-erotic rhymes than he can win that battle kid, because I could care less about Kanye struggling to come to terms with his latent homosexuality within the homophobic hip-hop community

by djxplicit April 25, 2005

520๐Ÿ‘ 494๐Ÿ‘Ž

West County

The western suburbs of Saint Louis, Missouri. Towns include Ballwin, Chesterfield, Des Peres, Ellisville, Eureka, and Wildwood.

People from here are usually easy to spot. Look for men with sock and sunglass tans. The women usually sport short hairdo's that went out of style 8 years ago everywhere else but Missouri. The girls look like A&F ho's and the boys like they are auditioning for an LFO reunion concert. The teens can often being heard saying "that's gay" while loitering at the Torrid store.

Other traits include the love of jesus, mc mansions, believing the world is only 2,000 years old, and that the planet is their's to shit all over. They love republicanism and are scared of anyone that doesn't look like, think like, or act like them (you know who you are, black kid behind the Orange Julius counter).

I would rather give myself a circumcision with a KFC spork than live in west county.

by CGPinFL June 11, 2009

77๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kanye West

To Go From Genius, to a president proclaimed Jackass after a tragic experience.

2004: Kanye West is it. He does it all!!!
2007: Kanye is egotistical, but still a great artist
2008: Mothers tragic Death
2009: Fuck Kanye! He dissed Taylor Swift on live T.V. You don't do that... not to Taylor Swift.

by J|C October 16, 2009

85๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

West Valley

A small city located west of Yakima, Washington were only cool kids roam. Of course not scary cool kids.

Lucky for Cody he made a name for himself with his choice of location; West Valley, Washingtion. He'll forever be known as an awesome unfreightening Ram.

by Joeblowsteve January 24, 2011

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kanye West

A common term for the acting of ignorance, "reverse racism," and a general air of stupidity and pompusness; this is most prominent among younger black men at parties or in large groups, in which pulling a "kanye west" is the only way to attain attention.

also see, "kanye breast"

"dude, wtf is your problem, you're totally pulling a kanye west all night tonight.....stop being a douche and hating on white people"

by headsetsJMFB October 20, 2009

73๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

West Village

The western portion of Greenwich Village. In all practicality, it is, for the most part, all of Greenwich Village except New York University.

I live in the West Village. I'm so fucking cool.

by trojanman11 April 29, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

kanye west

Jackass who likes to place blame where it does not belong. I'm assuming he does this for attention. I must admit though he does have a shit load of talent.

I love the song gold digger by kanye west; however, that stunt he pulled, "george bush does not care about black people", was completley uncalled for.

by liz May 13, 2006

85๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž