The term for waking up in the morning and lying in your bed until you go back to sleep because you're too lazy to get up.
"Dude, I was bed carting til about 2pm today, so that's why I missed your party...Yeah, I know I'm lazy."
When booking a hotel room for yourself, you request two queen sized beds. One for which you eat in, the other is for sleeping. The eat bed is the closest to the door.
“I’m snacking in the eat bed, so I don’t get crumbs in my sleep bed.”
So stoned that you aren't planning on leaving your bed anytime soon.
Dude, Debra was so Bed-alized at that party. It was no fun at all.
The little dance you do when you first get into bed and its freezing cold and you need to warm your spot up.
It was so cold last night I must have done and 5 min bed shuffle
A substance that’s in your bed
I walked in on my mom cleaning up some bed jelly
When you ejaculate in your bed and forget to clean it up the day later
Sorry for making you clean up my bed jelly
Having a extremly sore back, due to long periods of time spent in bed, Likely hungover
I have terrible bed back from this weekend.