Crack dealer carries a bible
I met Keith for my daily dose of crack and he pulled out his cracker bible for me to read while I got bummed because I didn’t have enough money
The 10 commandments of fucking off your life to play runescape properly;
1. thou shall not leave the computer seat for longer then 3 seconds unless to get coke
2. thou shall do 1m xp a day or slash thy genitals pro
and so on, this religion was derived from the church of timlohaye.
<crazy train>:omfg im pro <lvl 138>:omfg do you like ever read the bible of broman you fail shit <crazy train>: no i sit around masterbating all day and cybering people.
An Among Us themed Christian bible with the word Holy replaced with Sussy decorated in Among Us characters & various Among Us references written through the bible. A Sussy Bible can be used to express how Sus you think the bible is as you turn to a page to read something Christians claim wasn’t in the bible, something they’re doing wrong or vile crimes the bible condones & encourages the reader to do.
I bet you didn't even read the Sussy Bible.
A person who is always saying "Well, the Bible says..."
A lot of Christians are Bible Sayers but not Bible doers
When your walking down the street and you see a bible on the ground; god thought you could use one
"I saw a sidewalk bible last night, god must have known about last night."
A hillbilly term for swearing to god you're telling the truth.
Left foot on the Bible I did NOT sleep with your sister lover!