Source Code

Grade Rape

When one has sex with a teacher/professor in exchange for an A, then finds out on their report card that they were given the B- they deserved in the first place.

I had sex with a professor in exchange for an A, then found out on my report card that I was given the B- I deserved in the first place. I was totally grade raped.

by Haaroon September 1, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

spawn rape

When one team camps around the spawn points and kills the other team as they spawn. Used exclusively in team-based online deathmatch gaming.

WTF? We're getting spawn raped!!!

by RedWater September 21, 2004

105๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Butt Rape

The force of an object (usually a mans penis) into the anus of another person against said persons will.

I was laying on my tummy on my bed when I suddenly felt someone on top of me pulling my tiny lace panties down and tearing them in the process. I tried to scream but the person held my head down into the pillow as they shoved a finger in my tight little, virgin, ass hole.

I screamed into the pillow as the person spat on my ass then shoved their big cock deep inside it.

This was the first of many experiances of Butt Rape

by LaurenTheDirtyMindedBitch November 11, 2012

79๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

consensual rape

When you ask someone if you can rape them and they agree or give their consent to it.

Russel: Can I rape you?
Ditty: Yes
Russel: Yes I now can consensual rape you

by Zapp Clan April 9, 2019

162๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

UD Rape

To use Urban Dictionary as a personal message board.
The use of Urban Dictionary as a personal message board.
Other forms:
UD Raper/ Rapist: see Psycho Bitch, Gumba Gumba, Kung-Fu Jesus, Light Joker

UD Rape is one of the most common things on UD, second only to sexual inuendo.
UD Rapers should be banned, somehow.

by grey July 20, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

musical rape

When you are in the car with someone and they force you to listen to bad music on the radio and you can't take it anymore.

I was in the car with my dad and he forced musical rape on me with his oldies country, and he refused to change the channel.

by jjhsdfg October 18, 2007

50๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Snape Rape

Any Harry Potter fanfiction or fan art which contains the character Severus Snape commiting an act of rape on any man/woman/werewolf

Titan - Dude were you whacking it to HP slash last night?
Blackdog - No doubt, straight up Snape Rape!

by The Fresh June 13, 2007

193๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž