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puttin in work

1)To sell drugs to get money.
usually when your broke
but not always.

2) what is actually says.
doesnt matter what you do for a livin

1) damn bro i gotta find a job. . .
naw homie, start puttin in work again.

2) ey' yo you got anythin to do today my man?
yeah i gotta go put in work.

by therealtalknig9a January 3, 2008

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bus work

homework you do on the bus in the morning on the way to school.

Boy 1: Dude! How'd you do your science homework? you told me last night you didn't do it!

Boy 2:Bus work my friend...bus work.

by Lenny-san April 28, 2006

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ditch work

You ditch work when you avoid work by staying away or leaving early without permission. Perhaps someone pretends to suffer sickness (= fake flu or because of something you ate last night) and means to stay at home to recover, but indeed you need an excuse for missing work.

Today I am going to ditch work and go fishing instead.

by Earth rocker April 10, 2016

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safe for work

This meaning shouldn't event exist on this website.

Guy 1: "Is the Urban Dictionary ever safe for work?"
Guy 2: "No, that definition shouldn't even exist on there."

by Zeyph February 19, 2019

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Working Game

A term for heavy-handed flirting, usually used in a mocking context by observers.

"Ha, Ryan's really working game on Audrey."
"Wow dude, work game!"

by HopefulHope October 13, 2009

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work the speedbag

licking the clitoris

"she was begging me to work the speedbag more, but I'd been down there for 20 minutes"

by Dolomite September 15, 2003

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Work Sandwich

A sandwich prepared by a wife for her blue-collared husband's lunch. Such sandwiches are indicative of the husband's libido, either ravenous or lacking: Thick meat on a sandwich indicates a happy wife, whereas a thin slice of bologna with no condiments stands testament to a man who has been ignoring his carnal obligations.

Bob's wife gave him a skimpy Work Sandwich -- they won't be married for much longer.

by The Grottomaster April 26, 2011

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