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A fusion of the words "no" and "yeah". Used to annoy people who ask too many "yes" or "no" questions; or to say "yes" and "no" to controversial topics to avoid upsetting anyone.

Question: should marijuana be legalized to the same capacity as alcohol?

Answer : Nah

Question: did you put the bacon in the freezer yet?
Answer: Nah

by Christian Writer October 13, 2018


A Very Powerful Word That Counters EVERY SINGLE OPINION You will ever have.

Guy 1:''Yeah i dont think you should really do that beacuse it i-''
Guy 2:''Nah''
Guy 1:''Damm,well i guess i can't say anything against that''

by Kingfloppa420 November 2, 2024




by Ajjsjeen June 21, 2019


nah is a different way to say yes

"can I come with you?"
"ok, im comming then"

by thefuck69bitchassdogsaretasty March 11, 2023


A girl says this when she thinks she's ugly and fat when she's so beautiful and amazing

Boy:Your beautiful

by Usethisonbeautigulgirls September 29, 2020


Nah is the sarcastic way of saying no but is used differently for example:

person 1:Hey dude is this the stop.
person 2: Nah you don't say.

in this context it is used to as a way to say no you don't say it is used in that way so that the person who has received that comment realises that they are on the correct stop

by Punkin_Pie0 August 12, 2019


When you don’t care

Lia: what’s the math hw

Bella: nah

by Badbleeperrrrrrrrrrrrrrr March 2, 2021