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polish the pope

Male masturbation. So called because the previous Pope was Polish, and the male organ looked like a Mitre and polishing it gives the user pleasure

More children would be happier if more priests would stay at home and polish the pope.

by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 19, 2007

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polish candybar

you dip your dick in chocolate and make your partner eat it after anal sex

Honey that polish candybar was spectacular.

by Pollock killer 420 March 26, 2010

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polish plumber

Pouring pureed Kielbasa into a girl's asshole, then butt fucking her so hard that shit-basa splashes back on your balls.

My wife's fat ass was constapated, so I gave her the Polish Plumber.

by BGDH January 25, 2008

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Polish Princess

When doing a girl from behind, you quickly pull your penis out of her vagina and ram it into her ass. Basically a surprise blitzkreig on the asshole.

I bent her over the table and gave her the ole Polish Princess.

Tommy got slapped when he tried to give Gloria the Polish Princess

On September 1, 1939 Germany gave Poland the Ole Polish Princess.

by Mike The Terrible June 28, 2009

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Polish bloomers

An eastern european affectionate term for budgie smugglers

Father Ted said: "oh bejesus Declan, those polish bloomers look like budgie smugglers from this distance. Mrs Doyle look away - NOW!"

by Crazy Boyo July 29, 2010

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Polish Straddle

In finance, a Polish Straddle is an investment strategy involving the purchase/sale of particular option derivatives and/or shares that completely cancel each other out.

W: I'm long 500 shares of BAC at $7 and short 5 call options with a strike price of $7.

A: So you're net long 0 shares.

W: ... ... ... Doh!

A: Ahh the Polish Straddle strikes again!

by The Polish Straddler August 26, 2011

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Polish stalker

When I traveled to Europe I had a very unpleasant experience with a few Polish stalkers. They kept acting like they were entitled and like they owned the place. And kept following me around and wouldnโ€™t leave me alone. They almost seemed to be jealous of me.

I guess they might be confused or something. But somebody inform the Polish people that impersonating authority and stalking people is against the law. I was very bewildered and in fear when they kept obsessing over me. These people wouldnโ€™t leave me alone.

I found it very annoying and these Polish people were getting on my nerves and getting in my way, and wouldnโ€™t leave me the fuck alone.

They were the most annoying people ever, I swear.

(UD Jews, meant this for you guys to read.)

Has anyone else had a few Polish stalkers?

by Death Menace December 26, 2022

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