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Wikipedia University

A fictionalized school of thought made up of students who would rather, or end up by reasons of choice or force, learning a majority of their eduction from the user regulated online wiki dictionary known as Wikipedia.

Additionally, it can be used as a way to brag about one's own self resilience in continuing education despite the accepted system of actually attending an accredited college.

Term coined by Theo Souza.

I don't have enough money for school, nor the interest in wasting the money I have on school, so instead I attend Wikipedia University; and I know more then my college attending counterparts.

by Act2action September 2, 2008

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Parallel Universe

The excuse given to any and all things unexplained but still true.....Actually we can blame CERN for this one. Similar to the Mandela Effect but on a personal scale that effects only you. Can be used literally or figuratively depending on your mindset and willingness to out yourself as a believer in the theory.

John blames being thrown into a parallel universe as to why his professor didn't get his email. The John in THIS universe never sent it.

by Mad Morrigan October 1, 2017

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University of Grayslake

A nickname for the College of Lake County In Grayslake, IL

After I graduate I'll go to the University of Grayslake

by Billsner February 7, 2008

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University of Malta

University of Malta is the top educational institution in malta. MCAST (which is the cheap alternative where one can enter with only 2 or 3 O-levels) is nothing compared to the University of Malta, where 2 A-levels and 3 Intermediates are required. In UOM, the important things are learnt, especially for engineering, where students are actually thought how to be a real engineer, not just how to weld 2 pieces of metal together or fix cars.

UOM student: "Hi, you came for an interview, right?"
MCAST student: "Yes, ai come for intervjuwn"
UOM student: "What qualifications do you have?"
MCAST student: "Ai have 3 O-levels, and a diploma in car fixing"
UOM student: "Ok, thank you, that is enough for today. How would you like to recycle this for me?"
MCAST student: "Orrajt, no problem"
UOM student: *Hands MCAST student's CV* "Thank you, I only accept real engineers from the university of malta"

by UOMguy January 20, 2010

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University of Rochester

Founded in a frozen section of Hell during a blood ritual in 1850, the University of Rochester was born from the womb of Satan. It has festered and swollen ever since.
All jokes (sort of) aside, it is a lesser known, yet prominent school in "upstate" New York within the city of Rochester, known for Xerox, Kodak, Bausch and Lomb, and Genny Cream Ale. Though the population of the school is indeed bright, they lack almost all social skills, as can be seen by the half filled sidewalks of the only good bar district (Alexander Street) on Thursday through Saturday night.
Fighting back against campus authority, the Fraternity quad still stands, though slowly losing ground as more and more socially inept student groups take over their houses during times of probation. Though that would seem to kill off any sort of social atmosphere there may be on campus, it just tends to move students towards smaller groups of alcoholics who either stay in their rooms with their bottles of Mohawk, or venture across the bridge to the frat and other parties off campus where security can't bust them.
Aside from the few good points of campus (cheap alcohol and good academics) the school is plagued with many shortcomings. These being : shitty food, shitty food service workers, janitors that don't do their job, campus security that would rather protect you from yourself when you're drinking than from the person stealing your TV while you're being written up, campus parking that will boot your car on move in day outside your building, as well as 6 months of no sun during the winter.
With a strong Engineering school, namely their Optical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering fields, as well as good psychology, political science and computer science, most students seem to, strangely, gravitate towards the easier majors of Math, Economics or English after a year or two of hard classes. It doesn't matter much anyway, though, since many students go into some sort of graduate school or get a job not in thier field anyway.
30 racks of Keystone can be found for $13 at Wegman's and a garbage plate is always a good way to finish the night off.

Wear lots of layers or drink lots of whiskey, cause you're gonna need something to warm you up.

University of Rochester parking is actually Hell spawn called upon through the sacrifice of those sent to the hospital for "intoxication". Daemons have to eat, too, you know.

by UR suicidal to want to come here August 14, 2007

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Campbell University

A place where Camels can go nuuuuts and party every night and every day, shocking that Campbell is not the number one party school in the nation. (An insaaanne night) PArty at the Meadows

Man I had a Campbell University last night

by gaylord camel January 18, 2011

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Keiser University

Formerly Keiser College, Keiser University is a popular career-focused college offering many associate and a few bachelor degrees in the most sought after fields of the moment. Keiser has many campuses all over the state of Florida. Their most poular programs are the associate degrees in the medical fields such as Radiologic Technologist, Nuclear Medicine Technologist and Nursing. Business and Criminal Justice are popular programs as well. Their majors (this school reffers to them as "programs") change as the economy and workforce change, so that they're always offering the degrees that are most in demand. The vast majority of their students don't want a traditional four year college degree and many are parents that are seeking a higher income to better support their families. Because this school is expensive, it's recommended you only attend this school if you're getting an Associate's degree in one of their medical programs which are not readily offered at most other colleges. However, if you're getting a degree that you can find almost anywhere else such as Business, this school is not worth the cost.

What college are you going to?

I don't want to be in school forever, so I'm getting my Associate's degree in Nuclear Medicine at Keiser University.

by MiamiJenn March 9, 2008

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