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girl bait

A man's male parts. Also known as the penis.

I hooked that girl up with my girl bait last night.

by William Waldrep April 28, 2005

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coffin bait

someone who is obessed with, and wants to be bitten by a vampire. Used in the Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter books.

by the_crazy_faerie August 21, 2003

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drama bait

What your girlfriend or wife creates when she has nothing better to do with her time or when she is upset with you for some unknown reason. Women use drama bait to lure you into an argument that will result in screaming, things being thrown, and crying.

You: Hey, how are you?
Girlfriend: How drunk were you last night?
You: I'm not gonna fall for your drama bait
You: Bye

by cityguychicago June 30, 2014

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Boob baiting

The practice of trolling women to get them to expose themselves in an effort to prove they are in fact women.

I'm a woman, and I'm on an mmo." "Lies, theres no girls on the internet. Prove it. Show us your tits." "Jeez if thats what it will take.. " "Don't do it! He's just boob baiting

by Karavor August 19, 2010

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Analogous to jail-bait only the person in question is married instead of under-age. Often-times they will act single and flirt with you, even possibly getting your number. He or she will never wear a wedding ring. You think you may be scoring, but watch out!

Victim: "That guy has been really flirting with me, I hope he actually uses my number."

Friend: "You know he's married, right?"

Victim: "What?! Why doesn't he wear his ring?! Man, I hate adultery-bait!"

by keewi December 9, 2011

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beaver bait

A trucker having a tricked out cab that attracts the ladies!

My new running lights are total beaver bait! Gotta beat them off with a stick!

by SychoSyn July 8, 2015

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Master of Baiting

The one meme that hasn't been cashed in yet, unlike bitcoin.

Typically used as a nerd exercise in which a whole bunch of words are strung together to sound like the person is saying "masturbating". It is possible to accidentally say the word "masturbating", essentially why it is only performed by people whose IQ exceed the combined number of push ups, bench presses, and sit ups they can achieve over the course of a year.

Also a term used in fishing to describe the biggest and baddest masters of the bait. Otherwise known as a really good fish catcher.

"Don't worry, my friend is a bait master. When he fishes, he pulls out his master rod to bait all the master fish. Once they get baited, the master of fishing, A.K.A my friend bait master, with reel in these mastered fishes that were completely baited. Now where are we?"

"Ha! My dad is a Master of Baiting, he can bait ten feesh at once to get mastered completely by the bait!"

by xXTrollingPvPXx February 4, 2018

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