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An onset of horniness due exclusively to the negative social and emotional effects of coronavirus, social distancing, or lockdown measures.

Tom: How’s Ryan handling the state-mandated stay-at-home order?
Matt: Not too well, he can’t go out drinking anymore So he’s got mad corona-bona. He basically fucks the same chick every week.

Tom: That’s too bad, this lockdown probably has him going crazy....

by rosssauce July 14, 2020

Corona cock

An offensive yet funny way to greet ones work colleague.

Now then Corona Cock, how’s things?

by Eyescunt June 15, 2020


A person who cares a bit too much for the corona virus and who it has killed. Most common in the elderly, people with anxiety, and many others.

All those corona-worriers knocked all the stores plain out of stock!

by VIC1IM March 19, 2021