Source Code

sugar vegan

Slang term used to call someone with diabetes

Moe isn't injecting heroine hes injecting insulin hes a sugar vegan

by Jules "Granda" Knipe July 17, 2008

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Vegan Denial

When a vegan believes disgusting food taste good because:

1. He or she has been vegan so long, he or she forgets what good food tastes like.
2. He or she is so passionately devoted to veganism that psychologically vegan substitutes must taste good.

Note: Not all vegan food is bad and not all vegans are in vegan denial.

How can anyone buy those vegan cupcakes? They taste like chalk.

Vegan Denial.


I made these vegan fish tacos. They are good, not vegan denial good.

by A vegetarian June 14, 2008

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A code word for a closeted gay man. True vegans tell everyone they dont eat meat (aka penis) or animal products (like sperm) to throw suspicion off them.

Teddy is such a vegan.

by ClaireCareyBob69 February 15, 2017

1πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Vegan leather

When wearing a pair of jeans or silylar for so long without washing, that they get a leather-like sheen from encrusted sweat and filth

she really stinks...

yeh i think sheΒ΄s trying to make vegan leather of those jeans

by Alqua March 7, 2010

7πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A person who only eats plants.

Carl: I only eat plants so animals dont suffer

Leo: well, we omnivores eat meat that's mostly from animals that eat only plants and fruit

Carl: Thats offensive to vegans like us

Leo: from my reason we'll have to eat you

*Gets a fork and knife*


Leo: Nom

by Anonymous Be yeet April 15, 2019

1πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


- a homosexual who happens to be a vegan
- a homosexual raping a vegan

Hey Homo-vegan!

ugh.. you're such a homo-vegan!

by muahahahah123 May 12, 2011

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Vegan's Law

Vegan's Law states that as notes/replies on a post on a social network site grow and more heated (hi Tumblr), it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will make a mocking comparison to vegans, to which a vegan will almost inevitably crawl out of the woodwork to play holier-than-thou in relation to meat-eaters. When the latter occurs, the vegan guilty of invoking Vegan's Law has effectively forfeited their dignity.

Not to be confused with the game "Spot the Vegan". This essentially concerns the increasing likelihood of Spot the Vegan occurring.

My Tumblr dashboard is ridiculous, but it's funny sometimes since I'll often see posts about racism or sexism turn into "Spot the Vegan". It's great how these children love to invoke Vegan's Law.

by BullockDS April 16, 2015

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