When you need to leave to make nachos
Hey man can’t work back today I’m doing a Bassett
When you're in the car (as a driver or passenger) and someone in the car rolls the windows down when it's freezing outside and they don't need too.
Driver: *Rolls down window in 10⁰ weather*
Passenger: Bro wtf?
Driver: What?
Passenger: Really? Do you see Palm Trees? Roll the fucking window up!
Driver: Ok ok jeez. *Rolls window back up*
It ain't nothing and it doesn't cost anyone who hasn't gained materially anything.
Hym "Do nothing? It's better than what I'm going to do with out it. I'm not engaging in society beyond this. I've already done more than any fuck-ass politician and it'll be a cold day in hell be for I let some useless motherfucker who did nothing more than win a popularity contest tell me that they get to sit there and let these motherfuckers steal my shit so that I have to keep working with the rest of you. You do you have to go without sex if not everyone if having it? No. Then I don't have to wait until I'm old to retire. People are being ABSOLUTELY SLAUGHTERED because of the fact that UNLIKE ME... YOU are not a fucking AI creating genius. And buying Greenland isn't going to change that. So, FUCK YOU. Credit and compensation for my WILDLY DISPROPORTIONATE CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY. One that YOU DO NOT DESERVE because you are worthless fucking garbage. I'm too good for you. Out or death. There will be no compromise."
A common way or another way or saying do or die.
The chips are stacked against me, I'm either going to do or be done.
When going to the toilet you’re either going for a Dyno(wee) or Dyno Rod (log) Poo. In reference to the drain company Dyno-Rod
Ash has gone to the toilet doing a Dyno/Dyno rod
"To con money out of someone, lie or be otherwise dishonest, only to face ritual humiliation on a worldwide scale". History points to a fellow, who sold a non-working laptop to another, after repeated attempts by 'victim' to receive recompense, said victim removes hard-drive from laptop, and posts very (ahem) private information about the ahhh..."victimizer". See entry for "Ownage".
I see Tibetan-Monkhood in some poor souls' future.
"The dude ripped me off so I had to do an "Amir" on 'em"
the action of not doing something, but this way it sounds more like you really mean it
Barry: "hey Jeff what if we went and blew up a preschool"
Jeff: "yeah... could you like, do that but not"