A trick created by Steve-O where he would sling his penis back and forth until he gained enough momentum to catch it between his legs, then would turn around while his penis was sticking out from his butt.
I went to steve-o's live performance, he did his legendary double back!
To return and avenge failures you’ve had in the past
I lost in that first round but I’m not worried . I know I’ll double back and get the win in the second .
When a car or vehicle passes someone or place, then goes around the block usually and comes back around to the same place they passed hence the name "Double Back" this usually happens in the hood when a Opp see's someone they dont like if this happens get ready for trouble
"Ay I Think I Know That Car....OH SHIT They Double backed"
To ejaculate on the receiver's face, getting cum in both eyes (by purpose or accident)
"I'm definitely not getting a call-back after that double barrel."
Once at night, once in the morn. To guarantee you’ll get a spawn
I just double barrelled her bro!
The sex act of taking two cocks in your mouth and then ejaculating
I just took a double barrel yesterday
The sex act of taking two cocks in your mouth and then ejaculating
I just took a double barrel yesterday