The definition of nigga is (My friend) that's what it used to mean until white people started using it offensively on purpose and its more disrespectful to add an **ER**
Don't say nigga if your not African-american they will take it offensively
A nigga is a awesome intelligent black male or female if any of your friends say "Nigga" they will think it's an insult but you shouldn't be offended by it after all every black man is a nigga
That boy is such a nigga, That person is such a nigga
Nigga is a colloquial term used in African-American Vernacular English that began as an eye-dialect form of the word nigger, an ethnic slur against black people.
A word that only black people can say it means friend
whats good my 'nigga'
Nigga, to me, is a "new game player."
Begin Rant Sequence:
NIGGAAAAAHHHH; Fuck using professional gay ass cursed exponents and shit. A nigga is somebody who thinks they're intelligent, running around with no real reason for what they're doing, being a "cuck old" (when clocks truly are old, time is irrelevant, and so are subliminal frequencies from fans or machines) or a fuck boi, (they just wanna get they dick wet and bounce) because they're so fucking old, bored, and tired, OR they think the world is theirs because they think they're so cool and so unique and shiny. Usually, they don't have no fuckin daddy, they hate their mommy and all women for being a "hoe", and they think life is a game.
To all you niggas out there: Go eat a green banana and practice la dieta, and stop playing with poop. Don't weaponize food science like those fucking Nazi families I am forced to adore (who played with poop tryna clean the damn water and ecosystem when they came here), learn from other people so you don't repeat Nazi mistakes like North Korea once did. We told them to! Because, fuck all yall peckerheads, if Americans were shipped to concentration camps, or horrific farms, its cuz yall some insubordinate pieces of shit spiritually, sometimes.
Nigga please, can you lend a nigga a pencil? A #2 carbon, created by lattice formed from volcanic vents in the ocean, so that I can "carbon-date" our homie some balance in his life, get life back on track?
Nigga, what you doin playin with dominos and shit, playin with a card pack, calling me tellin me to change a damn tire for my homie.. Don't you know you could be like, buyin yo grand daughter a laptop or a gun? Fuck a dowry, burn diaries.
"Nigga, why don't you go for a walk in the park (wok cooking goes back over 2,000 years) and see if you don't find somebody your age to smoke some weed with you, if there aint any kids around. Why you always tryna use hexidecimal and shit, you need some sunlight."
"Old man nigga, what if we took those faggots over to the tree line and smoked weed with them, got them 'damn stoned,' and then just like.... chilled out lookin at plants and rocks talkin bout how bad shit used to be."
"Nigga, you don't need psychedelics or antipschotics or meth or crack or speed, nigga. Stop takin those damn fool pills and watch what you eat, damnit, drink some fucking distilled water with salts you actually like, not that corn syrup shit. Smoke some good shit not that cracker ass PCP white power abomination shit, use a UV light and see for yourself. Buy some seeds, some plants will get you feelin good. Open a damn book nigga. Spend thousands of hours learning about the drugs you take online first. Don't need no damn white power or dyed powder doctor."
"First of all ain't nobody talk while I talk so shut the fuck up! My name is uncle ruckus and i will be nigga sittin' you two until yo grandfather returns. Yo grandfather picked me because I am a licensed zoologist. I have studied a variety of wild animals and the African male is by far the most savagely kind. This is an opportunity to observe you niggas in yo natural habitat and collect data. But be warned. Whatever nigga trickery you got up yo sleeves will not affect me." - Uncle Ruckus
(If you couldn’t tell this is a joke. Black people are just people who have a higher melanin)
Person 1. Hey, I have rights and don’t deserve to be in a cage
PERSON 1: (I hate my life)
-Is that you slave Mr.Richman
-yes,this is my second nigga Tyler