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When your girlfriend's parents bribe you with gifts in order to convince you to stay with their daugther and marry on.

"I got this dowry for christmas"

by angertrain July 18, 2008

43πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


what the father of a rich single broad uses as a bribe to get a man to marry her crabby little ass. see also: money. Similar, but not to be confused with a shotgun wedding.

apu: I will give you a dowry of 10 sacred cows to marry my desi, the spoiled little airhead she is.

Leroy: fo shizzle my bollyizzle.

by major_delmac March 7, 2005

84πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

The Dowry

When a chick gives you access to her ass for sexual purposes.

Guy: Last night was awesome. She let me put it in her ass.
Friend: Bro, she gave you the dowry. She was thinking "Oh sweetie, here is my father's goat, a small calf, and my butt. Let's get married."

by IrishRover69 July 22, 2011

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When a person is so likeable/good you'd marry them without the promise of monetary gain or a reward of any kind.

"I'm not Skip-The-Dowry material my family would have to pay to ship me out bro!!"
"I think I really love John, he's like...Skip-The-Dowry material."

by BeaBuzz November 26, 2018

Spartan dowry

300usd tossed into crypto, arbitrage her out a retirement and present as a dowry

I skipped the prenup and put a Spartan dowry in her wallet.

by Sardatep007 December 25, 2021

Dowry Whore

A woman, who willingly indulges in the practice of paying "Dowry"(sums of money, property, gold etc) to the groom, at the time of her marriage in the hopes that she will be financially looked after by her husband for the entirety of her life.

E.g: I'd rather stay single all my life than be a dowry whore.

She's wants to be a dowry whore.

I don't want to marry a dowry whore, I'd like someone strong and independent.

by BrownMunny August 14, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Something Hasan Pays

You: Where’s my Dowry?
Hasan: I have it right here :)

by stellastar! March 17, 2023