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botley bag lady

The botley bag lady was a woman called Eleanor that had a very rich family, the family all died in a house fire leaving Eleanor as the last member of the family alive. The fact she was alone drove her insane causing her to become homeless and wonder the streets collecting bags, eating chewing gum off the floor, eating rats, and have a bigger beard than a horny teenager. RIP Eleanor

You are a saint

Oi I just saw the botley bag lady digging threw that bin

by DOTZZZ June 20, 2019

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Alaskan sweat bag

When you and your gf go hiking in the woods alone. When you get tired and take a rest you become horny and you and your partner get nude at this time you take your sack and stretch over her eyes and fart in her mouth. While this is happening the sweat off of your ass and balls drips all over her face creating the Alaskan sweat bag.

Bro me and my gf went hiking and I gave her the best Alaskan sweat bag I've ever seen.

by Butthut April 27, 2016

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Candle Bag Titties

Breasts on (but not limiting to) men, an extremely saggy, lop-sided, pair of breasts. Usually seen in over-set elderly women. Occasional men apply.

Candle Bag Titties
1. Purchasing two candles from your local convenience store and placing them into two separate plastic bags. Notice the "sag."
2. Kirstie Alley
3. Joseph R. Gannascoli
4. Chastity Bono
5. That one Mcdonalds chick from those cell phone forwards.

by WtF#? September 27, 2010

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delusional douche bag

A person who has their head so far up in the clouds that they actually believe their faggoty ass will ever be succesful by any means. Person can also persuade people around them into thinking they are not complete retarted losers by doing mediocre tasks and making them look difficult.

That delusional douche bag made a movie and all he did was use final cut pro on his mac and now he thinks he's going to Hollywood.

by Truth speaker February 17, 2012

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trash bag face

The generic face made when removing a full, heavy bag of trash from a trash can. Generally entails a neck swivel of at least 90ΒΊ to the left or right, slightly agape mouth (with top row of teeth showing), heavily squinted or almost completely shut eyes, and crinkled nose.

Although this face is a typical reflex to emptying a trash can, it is often commonly used when reacting to a disturbing/gross image or video, rejecting a member of the opposite sex, or hearing a particularly moronic statement from a close friend.

Tim was talking to Jay about their plans for the weekend when Jay said, "I hope we can go to the beach, I love playing in the snow." Tim then gave him the trash bag face and went about his day.

by mastergarbagebagger July 22, 2012

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Be Cool, Bag Your Tool

Means 'Wear A Condom' In A Nonchallant way, so your teachers/parents/boss/anyone else you dont want to kno ur gona have sex, wont notice what your REALLY talking about.

*In The Middle Of A Test.* guy1 "so mann, i was thinkin i was gone "hang out" wit Leah tonight.
Guy2 "hey, Be Cool, Bag Your Tool."
*Teacher looks confused and walks away.*

by ChelseyBby. February 22, 2010

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Dumber Than a Bag of Hammers


As unvocal as a stationary sack of primitive kinetic fastening implements

"My neighbor's chihuahua bothered me, so when they were on vacation I absconded with it, anesthesized it, removed the offending throat organ, and bribed the housesitter to keep her mouth shut. Now it is dumber than a bag of hammers and my neighbors are slightly puzzled."

by UDPseudonym001 May 4, 2020

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