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Macaroni and cheese

a dish of macaroni in a cheese sauce.

Mom i want Macaroni and cheese for dinner.

by ZmanDuma July 31, 2022

string cheese abuse

Chomping, cutting, or ripping and eating chunks of a string cheese portion is considered string cheese abuse. It is difficult to isolate this colloquialism. It is, however, more common than one may expect.

String cheese is intended to be shredded along the length of its geometric pattern. It is shared in delicate threads and tendrils between grotesque, dairy fiend, farting lovers. Their friends may brind them celery and other greens in desperate attempts to mitigate certain consequences of this decadence if it persists for too long.

Yes, dear, but I'm making a dish that requires these chunks of mozerrella, so we are committing sanctioned string cheese abuse.

by Delphius July 6, 2019

Churn your cheese

a act of a guy jacking off or masturbating

Dude, can I churn your cheese?

by thischick12 January 27, 2011

Daddy’s Cheese

Cheese made from the breast milk of a male

I want daddy’s cheese

by Daddys_Cheese_God January 13, 2021

ride and cheese

When a women is riding a male and he screams I’m gonna cut the cheese as he busts inside of her

Girl 1: Omg guys last night me and Gary tried to ride and cheese and it was so hot.
Girl 2: Me and Nathan have to try this

by Alexis Burns August 31, 2021


Kidi-Cheese is a delighted snack by most. It has 3 meanings. The first is a sexual position (Wanna hit that Kidi-cheese this time?) , The second is a way of asking for cheese to eat such as ('GIVE ME THE CHEESE WOMAN') And the third is a small rapper with the song 'Industry baby' and 'Fortnight victory royal'

Person 1- "Hay babe wanna do some Kidi-cheese?"
Person 2- "Sure babe you wanna go top or bottom?"
Person1- "No I mean the rapper."

by _koala_ January 29, 2022

Cheese cucking

When you cuck someone by taking a slice of pizza and the cheese from their slice comes off with yours.

“Hey bro, you just stole all the cheese off my slice of pizza. Quit cheese cucking me!”

by Ronnoc Retep December 7, 2023