A name given to someone normally an Abbo that has lost close to all cells and will report on sight after two day of GTA5
Damn poor Claude he lost all his brain cells guess he goes by X-Sposed now.
A Clan made by a person named Liam after he had apparently been doing maths in class and a teacher wrote under some sums, and put the 4 Symbols an (X), a square(), a dash(-) and then a (S) so he decided to make this into a clan, first because it sounded cool and second because no one used the name.
X-CPerson: Hey wanna join? You're like the 3rd person to join if you do.
Person2: Um sure?
X-CPerson: K, you're being recruited.
Person2: Okay?
X-CPerson2: Thanks.
X-CPerson: No problem.
The true act of expressing “fake depression” or being depressed over hearing a sad song.
(Mainly based off the rapper XXXTentacion)
Justin: “ Where has Devon been? He’s been very quiet lately.”
Tyler: “I’m guessing he’s probably X Depressed”
Literally after XXXTentacion died everyone went into a sense of depression (no hate or whatever) and listening to all his sad songs (or other sad songs by other artists)
Short for having a Smitty expierence.
An Enlightening Experience resulting in loss of time, sleep deprivation, while bonding with others till the sun come out.
We had an after party that became a Smitty-x
A Person Who Aims Characteristics And Symbols In The Fact That Who Have Been Turned Characteristic Clones For The Rest Of The Life When It Brings Into The Mystery That They Claims To Oneself As Another To Act Offensive And The Another Term Of (Cronyism, Cloak-And-Dagger, Linguistics, Racist,)
Have you ever heard x the zime before?
They Aim Characteristics Since 2010
The famous hit rapper of the 2020's, SHAMK X, is a career ending beast with just 2 singles on his name. He was given a concussion by Brock Lesnar, which the. Lead SHAMK to become what he is today. Not only he don't bite, but he's as baller as lebron and he'll definitely say it outright. He is the embodiment of a Greek god, but of the music industry, so don't expect him to overdose on drugs.
Jenny: Oh why can't he be like SHAMK X?!
Lola: SHAMK X is so rad
Joe: SHAMK X is what all men want to be.