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Used to mean "laugh out loud". Ironic because it now it pretty much means "yeah fuck you too" or "i dont really give a shit"

guy1:My mom just died...

by MILFS :D January 9, 2011

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what you use as a last resort when the person you're texting doesn't text back

Person A: So how was your day?
Person B: It was good! my friends brought me some pie
Person A: i like pie lol
Person B: (no response)
Person A: lol
Person B: (no response)
Person A: lol?

by zhasma May 15, 2012

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It means "Laughing out Loud". A common internet slang.
lolz is a retarded version of lol, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one

idiot: d00d u uze lol ensted od lolz????????????????????////////////u r zo stoopit lolzzzzz
person: wtf??

by MaggieC June 17, 2005

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lol inside of brackets is basically like a super LOL because it sorta looks like a tie-fighter.

Laugh out loud emphasized.

wow, that is so funny... lol
and this site doesn't let me use brackets in the example because it uses them to link to other words. lame. but, you get the idea there's an open bracket, then lol, then closed bracket. this almost isn't funny anymore because I had to spell it out to explain it.

by DRO4LIFE July 17, 2009

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Abbreviation for Land O' Lakes.

LOL Unsalted.

by takecourage June 21, 2010

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The term used by trolls and internet scum alike. The sed trolls that use the term normally spend absurd amounts of time on social-network sites like facebook and myspace, (LOLing) at pointless and humour-free situations.
It is then normally followed up by a response also containing "LOL" or any another abbrieviated term use to suggest laughter, see ROFL LMAO. Those who use the term should be shot or have thier tongue and fingers removed, to prevent them from ruining the internet.

E.G "I have cancer LOL!" "I'm buying soup LOL" "LOLROFLWTF" "LOLOLOLOLOLOL"

by GameGeek2107 May 2, 2010

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1. Laugh Out Loud
2. Lots Of Love

1. That was so funny, lol
2. lol George x

by Little Donkey November 26, 2008

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