a one night stand hook-up that you have with someone, that, as the name implies, you have "met" through a Craigslist personals ad.
Two teenage boys are in conversation:
James: I am no longer a virgin
George: lol. What did you do to pop it? Cuz I will kill you if I you popped my ex-girlfriend Christina's cherry. Or did you date-rape some carnival floozie, like Homer Simpson's brother?
James: Um, roflmao, no. I did none of the junk you have enumerated so far. FYI George, i had a craigs-hook.
George: Wow!. So I guess you really were that desperate to lose your virginity that you even abandoned all moral pretexts and turned to Craigslist. Interesting.
Jordan de Craig is someone who is a lesbian but is scared to come out of the closet even though it is very obvious
Even though everyone knows she is gay she is still Jordan de Craig
Mike Wazowski’s younger brother. He has 2 eyes, brown skin, is a pedophile who had 69 accounts of rape on human children and is in jail for life where he dropped the soap 100 times. His brother disowned him. That is Craig Wazowski’s life
My name is Craig Tucker. Last week was my birthday, my grandma gave me a check for 100 dollars. I was so happy. But then, 4 kids from my school came to my house, and said I should use my 100 dollars to invest in becoming a Peruvian flute band. they promised I would double my money in one afternoon. But the government arrested us, along with all the other Peruvian flute bands, and took us to an internment camp in Miami. We begged to go home, but instead the government told us they were sending us to Peru. And so that is why I'm now in Peru. if I die let it be known it is because of 4 guys I don't even like from my school lied to me and took my birthday money.
Jon & Garfield: "hi there who r u"
Craig: "My name is Craig Tucker. Last week was my birthday, my grandma gave me a check for 100 dollars. I was so happy. But then, 4 kids from my school came to my house, and said I should use my 100 dollars to invest in becoming a Peruvian flute band. they promised I would double my money in one afternoon. But the government arrested us, along with all the other Peruvian flute bands, and took us to an internment camp in Miami. We begged to go home, but instead the government told us they were sending us to Peru. And so that is why I'm now in Peru. if I die let it be known it is because of 4 guys I don't even like from my school lied to me and took my birthday money."
savage boi who will truck yo ugly ass at football
A Matthew Craig is a funny dude who comes up with random catch phrases every year. For example, "Greasy Goblin", "Cowabunga", "Ganstalicious", and who would forget "My name is not Craig."
"You freaking Matthew Craig"
"Mathaniel Craigslist, you are one humerous being."