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Call Of Duty

It Was A Good Game since The Other Year's But then The Noob Tuber 360 Noscope Wannabe's screwed up the whole Franchise after 2010 but sure the community was not that bad but the year's Got worse and Black-Ops 4 i Hope they Get Better And not do like Faze Clan Does Or Having A Moaning Or Orgasm Kill Or Screaming Over Its Microphone.

Mom"Stop Screaming Kiddo"
360FazeLurd"No Im Playing Call Of Duty"

by Dont USe 3rd Reich July 7, 2018

Call of duty

That game that I play every hour of my life. The only game that you can die in while you spawn. The game that every one's name is xXx_420blaizin360noscoperforlife_xXx. Every one thinks he's at faze clan and try 360 720 Y Y noscope you and than get an across the map tomahawk while T-bagging at the last round on search and destroy after they got wet over 3,000,000 ninja defuese while eating dewritos at their mom's basement. Every year they have money ripping DLC's that will give better shit after you pay "only" 20 fucking bucks. But I'll buy the next one next year.

I'm so 420blaizin on that game in Call of Duty

by Thepl March 13, 2015

Call Of Duty

The most badass game series that ever existed.

Man: “Hey bro wanna play call of duty”

Other man: “Sure bro i’m always down to play the best game ever

by CallOfDutyPlayer8 December 9, 2020

Call Of Duty

A game series featuring some of the best games (BO2, WAW, MW1 2 and 3) and some of the worst (WW2, BO4), made by a group of companies (sledgehammer games, treyarch, raven) under one behemoths supervision (Activision) Until Activision decided enough was enough and pretty much started making the games later down the road. (bo4 im looking at you)

Mike: Hey, what's your favorite Call Of Duty game?
Kyle: Oh definitely WW2, who doesn't like that game?
Jeff: I will fucking kill you.
Me: The best is arguably BO2.
Jeff: Yessir

by JynxIsTheName December 9, 2020

Call of Duty

A somewhat decent game infested with young children that scream words they dont understand at you and the mute button is the most useful thing in the game.


Me: "Presses mute button" "Lets out sigh of relief" This is why i don't play Call of Duty.

by MexicanDeadpool April 26, 2018

Call of Duty

The reason why guys cry, when you play Call of Duty with the boys you can have the time of you're life. Its also a good way to keep you're virginity. #VIRGINITY ROCKS

Oi fuckheads, lets go play some fackin Call of Duty Black ops right now.

In game chat: noobmaster69: Mate you fuckin suck at this game

Guccicocker420: Bro you're cock is the size of a tic tac

noobmaster69: Thats why you're moms breath smells so good
When you see that one guy with the Japanese letters you know you're fucked

by jawspinner September 28, 2020

call of duty

a place where you can get called a n-word, get quick-scoped. ect. but its also a place made by activision who are gay for keep on making that gay game GO PLAY FORTNITE NIGGAS!!!!!

me?:yo what you playing?

him: call of duty

me: that gay ass game? why not fortnite

him; that the real gay game

me; get out of my house.

by chip dip dick tickler January 31, 2023