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nice guy

A nice guy who always gets screwed at the end.

A nice guy whos friend is a girl who you happen to like talks about her problems but still stays with the douche bag shes going out with.

by beechnut July 23, 2006

142๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice guy

The guy that is too big of a pussy to actually ask a girl he likes out on a date. He will often pine over a girl for month, possibly years while she dates guy after guy that the nice guy hates. When ever the girl bitches he is there to comfort her in hopes that one day she see him for someone she could be with. In reality this will never happen. The nice guy is just a friend and always will be so until one day he decides one of two things. He realizes he will never have the girl he wants and moves on to another girl, or he actually tells the girl about how he loves her and she turns him down. If the latter happends the friendship also dies.

Turned down or ignored the Nice guys just thinks to himself that girls just go for assholes. In reality its not that the girl is attracted to assholes. Yes sometimes it just that. But in most the girl is attracted to a confident, interesting person who actually has the balls to pursue a realationship and ask her out from the start.

Nice guy: I really like stacy but it seems she is only attracted to assholes.

Stacy's boyfriend: No dude you're just a pussy.

by Sinnister July 14, 2009

121๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice guy

The nice guy is the tragic hero in relationships:
He's the one that will stand by a woman all his life, despite the fact the woman will never care for him the way he does for her. She will bitch to him about her failing conquests, use him as a makeshift therapist and shun his efforts to initiate a relationship. Whilst she continues to live in sin the guy will beat himself up over why he has not been able to maintain a relationship, continually asking why his efforts are in vain and why women no longer appreciate gentlemen. When the woman is finally ready to settle down she will crawl back to the nice guy, knowing that he will accept her despite everything because he would do anything for her. Eventually the nice guy realises that his love life has been a hollow victory, and that he would have been better off as the shallow, arrogant jerks the woman pursued in the first place. Sucks doesn't it...

Gentlemen have become a dying breed, because women are not prepared to save them.

Girl 1: All I'm looking for is a nice guy who actually cares about me...
Girl 2: Sure, whatever you say there...

by Firelovesugar March 5, 2011

130๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

sexy nice

(adjective) used to describe something that is basically frikin' awesome! anything that you feel is special and needs that special word to describe it. should not be used loosely because it is considered a great compliment

Oh ya that girl M'Kayla? she is sexy nice!

by callmecrazycauseimoncrack November 18, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice guy

something that doesnt exist

nice guy? never gonna happen

by someoneyoureallydontknow September 27, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nice Guy

A Nice Guy is a young or middle-aged male who believes a woman owes it to sleep with him out of gratitude for basic courtesy, like opening a door or not calling her names. Believes only men who look like Abercrombie & Fitch models or possess immense fortunes ever get laid -- or at least, he keeps saying that in order to feel like there are more womanless men out there than there really are. Routinely blames women for his inability to develop and sustain relationships; or to get to a third date even. Frequently tells himself and other Nice Guys that women like to be beaten, raped and called names -- and that's why they (the Nice Guys), cannot get dates. Hides violent pornography under the floor boards. Faced with the fact that none of the women he finds attractive want to date him, concludes that there must be something wrong with women.

Joe is a nice guy, he deserves to get laid!

by SochiKid January 24, 2010

107๐Ÿ‘ 104๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice shirt!

a pointless, meaningless story.

Person A: The other day, i went to the store and got something for 3.50. I gave the guy $5 and he gave me back change.

Person B: nice shirt!

by pollynoodles September 12, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž