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Chess String

A sexual act where you string every piece of a chess set together like anal beads and slowly slide them into your lover.
For every unique piece you have to make love in a unique position, much like actual chess its VERY time consuming.

"I spent like FIVE HOURS chess stringing this weekend... I am wiped out!"

by LadyFuckwad April 30, 2020

Third string punter

Somebody worthless to a team of any thing
Like cats birds dogs or even John cenas
If you get lucky a team of Cadens

He is a worthless third string punter

by Shitass69420 May 25, 2019

Lil String Bean

Lil string bean is basically just a very short string bean. That is about it.

Wow, I am just as short as a lil string bean - everyone.

by H I May 23, 2018


Beautiful perky breasts

Hey bro see that beautiful girl over there she has amazing “string-tits)

by Arielpanda June 28, 2018

Sardinean String Theory


1. A mathematical theory which suggests that whenever 10 or more Mexicans are packed into a vehicle or dwelling like sardines, that at least 2 or more of them are having sex at any given time.

"According to Sardinean String Theory, we're about to experience a baby boom of illegal immigrants, the likes of which the world has never seen."

by billebllunt December 10, 2013

Hooray String

the string attached to the final tampon that is pulled out to signify the end of her "time of the month" and metaphorically refers to those cool little champagne poppers we all have on new years.

Bob:Man, I've been wanting to bang my girl for the past few days so much.
Joe: Why haven't you?
Bob: It's her "time of the month".
Joe: Ah. So then she hasn't pulled the hooray string yet.
Janet:Hell no I haven't.

by laggner April 29, 2009

strings or no strings

Weather or it is a relationship kind of thing or a friends with benefits kind of thing.

I asked her if she wanted to have strings or no strings

by Bbybear9012 September 21, 2019