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charlie simpson

Charlie Simpson is the Lead Singer and Guitarist of Post-Hardcore/Metal band, Fightstar. Fightstar have released 2 albums and an EP! The albums are; Grand Unification (2005-06) and One Day Son This Will All Be Yours (2007). And the EP is; They Liked You Better When You Were Dead (2005).

Before joining Fightstar, Charlie was in a previous band, namely, Busted. In which he played the exact position he does in Fightstar now, Singer and Guitarist. Busted were a multi-million selling Pop-Rock band, that lasted for about 3 or 4 years. During those 3 or 4 years, they made 4 albums. Which are as listed;
Busted (Self Titled)
A Present For Everyone
Busted (Self Titled, USA Version)
A Ticket For Everyone

But Busted didn't just do a few albums, they did a live 'A Ticket For Everyone' DVD. Which showed them play a few songs from Busted and A Present For Everyone. And is worth getting, even if you aren't a Busted fan.

Charlie has two brothers, called, Will and Edd. Who are both in rock bands, like Charlie. Edd is in a band called Prego who apparently have released a few EP's, I'm not sure, I prefer Fightstar. And Will is in Br:gade, who have made their Debut Album (Lights) round about the same time as Fightstar released theirs, and is an incredible album! Br:gade have also made a 'Made To Wreck' EP, nearly exactly the same time Fightstar released theirs. Odd.

Charlie Simpson had to, when split from Busted, go through a lot of unnecessary shit from angry Busted fans. People always putting him down for the decision he made. As I say, it was completely unnecessary and people should have known better, not to put him through that. It wasn't just for a few weeks either, it was for nearly 3 years. Far too long. Although some of it might have helped Fightstar to be one of the greatest bands Britain has to offer.

Congratulations Fightstar. And Charlie Simpson, for that matter!


You can burn it all,
Or rally around the table,
If you want to,
Just to argue you out the last scenes of us.

You can end it all,
I'm sorry enough to tell you,
That i'm OK,
And I'm never gonna see you again

--Fightstar - Paint Your Target (Grand Unification)
Words - Charlie Simpson and Al Westaway


Somebody notice me,won't somebody notice,
I'm fading away here,
What have I got to do to make you see,
My girlfriend is a wannabe,
And she wants to be me.

--Busted - She Wants To Be Me (A Present For Everyone)
Words - Charlie Simpson, James Bourne, Matt Willis, The Matrix.

by FightstarFan December 16, 2007

37πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Sheen

Bagging a girl while intoxicated and paying for it and trying to bag her girlfriend or group of girlfriends at the same time and rate.

Sheila was really hot. After a round of sex, I tried to Charlie Sheen her girlfriends but they wouldn't take the "spare change" I had.

by Dennis Dragon August 17, 2006

701πŸ‘ 309πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Brown

When someone bullies a completely innocent person for literally no reason.

Dad: Don’t worry son. I used to get Charlie Brown-ed when I was your age, but I learned to overlook it.

Son: Yeah, it’s pretty much the only way of getting away from Charlie Brown-ers.

by Justicewithtacosandweed December 16, 2019

47πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Brown

Someone who needs to tell Lucy VanPelt to fuck off and get a life.

Lucy: Charlie Brown, you're so stupid!
*extends his middle finger*
Charlie: Up yours, bitch!

by raspberry (lust) muffin May 25, 2005

694πŸ‘ 309πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Browns

The word for both of a mans testacles

oh you hit my charlie browns!

by MarthaBjewlbanger October 26, 2007

89πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Kaufman

Arguably the greatest and most original screenwriter currently working. He's the master behind;

- Being John Malkovich
- Adaptation
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
- Human Nature

He has had two past Oscar nominations for Best Screenplay and this year has been nominated for this third for "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," his best to date.

If Kaufman doesn't take him his Oscar, then this will be my last time watching the Academy Awards.

by Kyle February 25, 2005

38πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Charlie Chann

Cocaine. Named after the fictional Chinese-American detective created by Earl Derr Biggers, who acknowledged that he was inspired by the career of Honolulu policeman Chang Apana.

I have a bag of exquisite Charlie Chann in my possession, care to try?!?

by alimccarley August 15, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž