A joke that only two or more people will understand. It's meant to stay within the group, hence the name "inside joke." Inside jokes are usually made out of random situations and come about on accident. Friends could have entire conversations about just one inside joke. These kinds of jokes are also so much fun to joke about! Inside jokes really bring you and your friends closer together and let you be more comfortable with them and other people
(the example below is actually based off of something that actually happened in Spanish class with me and my friend)
Spanish teacher: Alright class, turn to page 136 in your textbooks. These are verbs with irregular yo forms. Repeat after me. "Hago"
Class: "Hago"
Spanish teacher: "Salgo"
Class: "Slago"
Spanish teacher: "Traigo"
Class: "Traigo"
Spanish teacher: "Pongo"
Class: "Pongo"
Me: (Smiles and tries to hold back laughs as I look across the room at my friend who is also smiling)
Friend: (Mouths this) Pongo the penguin
Me: (Starts to giggle)
Person sitting next to me: What's so funny?
Me: It's an inside joke! Sorry lol
Person sitting next to me: Ok then...
A joke with your best friend that you can laugh about for ages. Other people never get it when you explain it to them.
She is my best pigeon cheebie.
That's an inside joke
One who determines whether a other person's joke is a joke depending on how offensive the joke is. This is similar to a Schrodinger’s douchebag—one who determines if the joke they made is a joke or not based on the reaction of other; however, the main difference between Joke Police and Schrodinger’s douchebag stems from who is determining if the joke is a joke and the factors of what makes the joke a joke.
Members of the Joke Police Force tend to forget that no topics are excluded under the definition of satire, thus anything can be made into a joke. Even if nothing is excluded from satire, Joke Police still undergo recusatio satyra.
People within the Joke Police Force tend to make whatever cause the were fighting for by refusing the joke look worse than they really are, thus undermining the effect of any attempt to solve whatever they were fighting for. Sometimes this begs the question: "Why are the joke police targeting jokes rather than the actual issues they're fighting for?" To this day, this question has yet to be answered.
The Joke Police can be easily found on various social medias, notably Twitter and past Tumblr.
Person A: "What happens when person walks into a wall?"
Person B: "What?"
A: "Their nose breaks!"
B: *laughs
Person C: "You can't say that! That's offensive to person"
A: "It's a joke."
C: "That's not a joke!"
A: "Ok, Joke Police"
A joke that combines typical joke genres.
A combination joke can merge any number of joke generes.
Doctor doctor + why did the chicken cross the road.
Intelectual + childish.
Knock knock + yo mama.
A man walks into a bar + how many does it take.
This combination joke incorporates the Knock Knock, Yo Mama, and Intelectual genres.
A: "Knock knock"
B: "Who's there?"
A: "The Origin Of Species"
B "The Origin Of Species Who?"
A: "...Who is also yo mama!"
No one likes to be around one of these people. They feel like they are not able to say anything funny without it being stolen. A common name for a joke theft is Tyler Allen. They have a unique way of stealing your jokes. They will listen closely to the joke you say in front of your guy friends. They will then will announce it in front of a large group of guys and girls exactly word for word as you said it. Everyone will laugh and he will take full credit for it. This will make him feel like all the girls are interested in him. He will then jokingly say, "Tyler Allen ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all night." This is to try to get a few more chuckles out of everyone. Also, they are not only limited to talking, a joke theft does his work through any form of communication. Anyone who is a joke theft shall be called a “Tyler”.
There was a joke theft in this class and the teacher brought in freeze pops. Since the wrappers are really long, the joke theft's friend said to him, "Hey look, it's a Ron Jeremy size condom." The Tyler laughed hysterically. He then took a picture of the empty wrapper on Snap Chat, used the exact same caption, and added the picture to his Snap Story without giving any credit.
A joke made about math, usually said by someone who is under the influence or high.
He said this awesome math joke, it was something thing like, "what did the 3 say when walking into a bar? 'I'm going to be here forever...'"