When you beat off, take a piss, and drop a deuce all in the same session in the bathroom
I had already beaten off but then i decided top go for the toilet triathalon.
A person who repeatedly gives bad or cheap gifts on Christmas.
Another chia pet? Aunt Martha is a real toilet Santa.
When you are on the toilet and you take a shit sometimes water will splash your asshole therefor making it a toilet splash.
Bro I took shit and the toilet splashed my ass I don’t even need to wipe.
The rim around a womans vigina that has scabes all over and is constantly wet.
When she pulled down her pantis there was a crusty toilet!
A small sized dragon that looks similar to a seahorse and is found floating around toilets in the depths of night. Especially prevalent in large Italian cities
Hey Jimbo did you see the toilet dragon last night?
To take a water shit
I got diarrhea from those tacos last night and had to drown the toilet this morning.
The word “toilet hugger” is a way of preferring to people who suffer from bulimia or eating disorders in general. This term is typically used amongst people with eating disorders to joke around and make light of their suffering, or for people on the out-skirts to use it as a derogatory term.
“bitch, go to the nearest psych ward you fucking toilet hugger.”
“how about you leave people with mental disorders alone and mind your own business for once bethany? no one asked you to play savior.”