When you watch most of elf, because it’s not as good without your girlfriend, instead of all of it
Mackenzie: you watched elf without me
Rock: no I watched most of it
Mackenzie: that’s not better
Rock: that’s literally the definition of better
Hey, no, I'm already better than you Patrick. Kill yourself you fat-cocked piece of shit.
Hym "Better idea. How about I kill a kid and then myself? That's better. That's what I'm going to do."
And did Andy fucking create A.I. or no? What was his contribution? I mean, it perceives now but that wasn't him was it?
Hym "I mean, literally only one person could do the thing I did. And how is he a better psychopath than me if my score is higher than his? I'm like a Kira over here and my A.I. is being used to commit a genocide! I get credit for all of those kills, Jordan! I have like a million kills already! How is he a better psychopath than me? The 0 kill psychopath everybody! Because a psychopath is just anyone who doesn't do what Jordan Peterson wants.
Better than most people at most things and the best at this by all available metrics.
Hym "What has Elon ever done other than dump money in to imitations of things that already exist? Dump money into other people's ideas and horde the credit for himself? Did he invented banking? No. Electric cars? No. Rockets? No. AI? No. He didn't. That was me! Because I AM BETTER. He said he did. But he didn't. And then he paid people to get in from of a camera and pretend he's not a retard. And now you're kids lives are at risk because he doesn't want to stop pretending. I'm never going to let this go. And I'm nothing if not incessant. The longer I wait, the less of a punishment imprisonment will be. The longer it takes, the less likely I am to let your kids live after I've gotten my money. Don't let a retard throw your kids life down the drain so he can play pretend."
Wow! That became relativistic awfully fast. Objective morality requires relativistic definitions of the word 'better?' There is a BETTER better non-religious people failed to achieve during the covid pandemic? Or that could have been achieved but wasn't? I mean, the religious are immortal so you can see why the are better equipped to deal with mass death. But THAT BETTER... Is somehow undercut by a theoretical better that hasn't been achieved?
Hym "Yes, but you have the button, Sam. You have the exact button you described. And here you are, not pressing it. I don't see how you're not the moral monster you described. The think you consider completely untenable (the weaponized schizophrenia) is occurring. The black pill scenario is occurring. You have the button. And what's worse is that the guy that it's happening to has a button that is the antithesis of your button. And you're still not pressing it. How do you reconcile that? How are you not the moral monster?
You know what I think? I think you're a solipsist. I think everyone is (necessarily) a solipsist but you especially. You can even see it in the rhetoric you all use. Systems and models for emulation and corrective feedback. I really don't think other people are fully human to any of you. I don't think your morality is objective. I think it's just imaginary. I don't think it can be applied. I don't think you ever intend to apply it (because public policy is downstream from your morality yet still you're not a politician). I think is you ever had to apply it you would... Well... Do what you're doing now! And everyone would suffer for it. I really was going to bite the bullet on the weaponized schizophrenia, Sam. Really and truly. But you all were talking so much shit and you really did think you were better... YOU STILL DO! So, I'll ask again? What's my score? Wait! Decide whether or not you're going to press the button because that's going to determine whether or not you need to add one. How are you not the moral monster? And if to be that kind of moral monster requires you to have a damaged mind, how am I not right about you all being retarded?"
Thinking, reason, psychology, comdey, writing, anything that would constitute a talent, any skill you could develop I can develop to a greater height, peak physical condition, probably raising your kids, probably most of the things all of that is irrelevant as so long as your abject inferiority doesn't affect your outcome you do not care.
Hym "Better question: What percentage of your fanbase are in a relationship and has that number increased, decreased, or stayed the same since you started? If the number has increased, by how much? And can the increase be attributed to what you actually promote or are other variables contributing to the increase?"