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Chowder Bowl

performed at the climax of a sexual event, the male participant surprises the female by hitting her in the face with a bowl of clam chowder. Though it can be performed in any position, the preferable position is doggy style, or any other position from behind, to add to the surprise element.

"I totally gave her a chowder bowl!!"

by Sprue January 14, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hearty bowl

Often a verb that can mean nearly anything you want. Frequent uses are to replace 'tooled' or 'owned'

You just got hearty bowled.

by American JC April 30, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bowling Green

(BGSU) A mid-sized school in Northeast Ohio with a good teaching program, a great art/design program, and a kickass football team. School mascot is the Falcon, while the school colors are orange and brown.

Person from Michigan: "I went to Bowling Green"
Person from Florida: "Ain't that in Kentucky?"

by expos September 8, 2004

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Bowl Of Rice

When you fuck a girl and cum in her belly button. Also, see variation on Urban Dictionary: Bowl Of Fried Rice

When Jeff Fucked That Girl, he gave her a bowl of rice by cumming in her belly button

by Brad Moore September 27, 2005

22๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

slut bowl

when you have two or more boxes of cereal with little left in each, and you would have to combine them all to make a full bowl

Yo let's hit up the diner at 10. Nothing to eat and I'm not having a slut bowl.

by Lode Star January 9, 2007

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Bowling For Soup

Best freaking unknown punk band on Earth!

I love Bowling For Soup, they are pretty damn awesome.

by Krystalynnnnn July 11, 2008

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Puppy Bowl

Is where Puppies compete to play football in a model sized stadium to mimic the Super Bowl.

Dave: "Did you see the Super Bowl Carl?"
Carl: "Nah the Super Bowl is boring its all about the Puppy Bowl baby."

by MVP 2015 January 31, 2015

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