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From the same Father who didn't Bother

Describing that you ARE related by someone who has the same Father, but he was NOT present in neither of you lives

Wecome from the same Father who didn't bother !

by Dewars July 7, 2010

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Your Mother was a Hamster and your Father Smelled of Elderberries

This is the greatest insult ever uttered in the history of mankind. It has been said that if a individual says this to another, they will be succumbed to the overwhelming Dankness they have experienced. Their bones will start to get weak, they will drop to their knees and beg for mercy. BUT! They will will be no forgiveness for those whose mother is a hamster and their father smells of elderberries! They will be forced to eat the unholy Lima Soy as punishment for their grave sin.

Your Mother was a Hamster and your Father smelled of Elderberries, enough said

by YabaGabaGoo December 26, 2022

75πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

He was like a father to me, I loved him like my son.

This line is said after almost every death of one of pewd’s pets.

β€œJOERGEN- NOoOoOoOoOo !!”
β€œHe was like a father to me, I loved him like my son.”

by zenissushi August 23, 2019

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i squeezed out the baby, yet i have no idea who the father is

an amazing song by Ibuki Mioda

"Have you heard the song I Squeezed Out The Baby, Yet I Have No Idea Who The Father Is?"

by Professional Jotaro Simp April 20, 2021

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he was like a father to me, i loved him like my so

the death of a beloved minecraft pet

"Noo!!, He was like a father to me, I loved him like my son."

by Truth Bombs May 19, 2020

Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.

A greeting used to proclaim one's intention to kill based on past murders. More specifically, if you happen to be in the movie The Princess Bride.

Person 1: Hallo. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Person 2: Dude, wtf?!
Person 1: Princess Bride moment.
Person 2: Oh got it! AAAAAAAH (*runs away screaming)

by lrb323 December 12, 2010

26πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Shut the hell up before I shove a cactus so far up your ass you'll have more pricks in your mouth than your father had on Pride's Month

something that many, many people would like to tell people

"Shut the hell up before I shove a cactus so far up your ass you'll have more pricks in your mouth than your father had on Pride's Month," said little Jimmy "Damn, little Jimmy, you need to chill out," said his bully, getting out the gasoline and matches."

by Earthling hates you March 4, 2021

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