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Rooster Joke

A terrible joke that is literally not even a joke. Named after the famous rooster meme.

Sarah: Wanna here a rooster joke? What do you call someone who is a terrible driver?
Bob: I don't know.
Sarah: A dick

by SavagePancakesYeah April 28, 2017

So as a joke...

The unforgettable opening to one of the most cursed copypastas within the Hololive fanbase. The copypasta revolves around 2 male characters, the author and his friend. As a joke, the author dressed up as Usada Pekora and visited his friend's place. However, they both end up getting turned on and.. Let's just say that they made some gay memories together.

A: Koe's cosplaying the Hololive girls now!? I wonder if he'll cosplay Pekora some day
B: so as a joke...
C: What have you brought upon this cursed land

by Nyanyanya222 March 12, 2023

Quantum Joke

A joke relating to Quantum Physics and the concept of a joke about Quantum Physics that repeats every cycle of the joke in a loop. The joke itself can be found inside the popular game, Undertale.

So I opened the Quantum Physics book and there, unbelievably, I found another book. This book, however, was a joke book about Quantum Jokes. After flipping that book open I swear to you, there was yet another Quantum Physics book. I don't even know how the books got in each other in the first place. That whole situation turned out to be a real mindfuck.

by Nihils June 14, 2020

Trombone jokes

A trombone joke is a joke that often involves the numbers 69 and 420. They usually include the majority of dead 2012 memes, and referring to someone's joke as a trombone joke is usually an insult. Of course, some people find this humor hilarious and will take it as a compliment.

Cashier: That will cost you four dollars and twenty cents
Customer: Blaze it
Cashier: Sir, we don't allow trombone jokes in our store. That is a violation of our rules.

by Sockth January 26, 2019

Joke Police

One who determines whether a other person's joke is a joke depending on how offensive the joke is. This is similar to a Schrodinger’s douchebag—one who determines if the joke they made is a joke or not based on the reaction of other; however, the main difference between Joke Police and Schrodinger’s douchebag stems from who is determining if the joke is a joke and the factors of what makes the joke a joke.

Members of the Joke Police Force tend to forget that no topics are excluded under the definition of satire, thus anything can be made into a joke. Even if nothing is excluded from satire, Joke Police still undergo recusatio satyra.

People within the Joke Police Force tend to make whatever cause the were fighting for by refusing the joke look worse than they really are, thus undermining the effect of any attempt to solve whatever they were fighting for. Sometimes this begs the question: "Why are the joke police targeting jokes rather than the actual issues they're fighting for?" To this day, this question has yet to be answered.

The Joke Police can be easily found on various social medias, notably Twitter and past Tumblr.

Person A: "What happens when person walks into a wall?"
Person B: "What?"
A: "Their nose breaks!"
B: *laughs
Person C: "You can't say that! That's offensive to person"
A: "It's a joke."

C: "That's not a joke!"

A: "Ok, Joke Police"

by YesIAmPissedOff August 10, 2022

Joke cucked

When someone steals your joke

“She took my joke, she joke cucked me!”

by Me irl December 16, 2019

Combination Joke

A joke that combines typical joke genres.

A combination joke can merge any number of joke generes.


Doctor doctor + why did the chicken cross the road.
Intelectual + childish.
Knock knock + yo mama.
A man walks into a bar + how many does it take.

This combination joke incorporates the Knock Knock, Yo Mama, and Intelectual genres.

A: "Knock knock"
B: "Who's there?"
A: "The Origin Of Species"
B "The Origin Of Species Who?"
A: "...Who is also yo mama!"

by The_ALCH September 28, 2023