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Plant een Olijfboom

Het planten van een olijfboom staat voor hoop, standvastigheid en solidariteit. Plant een Olijfboom is een daad van verzet voor rechtvaardigheid en gelijke rechten in Palestina. Tegen kolonisatie en onteigening. Het planten van olijfbomen helpt mensen hier en daar. De bomen steunen Palestijnse families financieel en tegen onteigening, evenals ze mensen warmte geven die ter herinnering of als aandenken aan een bijzonder moment een boom namens iemand laten planten. Deze olijfbomen verbinden en geven kracht.

Ik Plant een Olijfboom in Palestina.

by Falaheen November 23, 2021

guardian plants

Aka: weeds

A guardian plant (aka: weed) is a quick growing plant whose main purpose is to create ground cover as soon as possible to: retain moisture, keep the soil cool, generate shade for slower growing plants, provide floral arrangements until more well established plants grow, provide landmarks and homes for smaller creatures, keep soil in its place during downpours or flood, contribute to carbon matter that feeds larger plants.

Guardian plants are what most people call "weeds", but are actually very useful, and so the negative term needs refreshment.

Guardian plants are not enemies, they are valued members of the garden community.

Plant lives matter!

"Those guardian plants are not as pretty as my roses, but I know they will help the bushes grow stronger by providing them with shade."

"Some of those guardian plants have the cutest flowers on the tips, and the bees seem to love them!"

"I put one of the guardian plants in a pot by itself, it actually looks quite good!"

"Without those Guardian plants, the soil in my front yard wouldn't be as fruitful as it is today."

by Mr H20 September 4, 2022

Plant my tree in her forest

Have sexual intercourse with her

She sexually turns me on. I want to plant my tree in her forest

by Plato Disciple December 26, 2014

Polish Plant

When you take any garden plant/flower and place it into a hooker butthole, from which you dig and eat it out with your mouth.

I gave that lady a crazy Polish Plant last night

by Willsmithspapa420 October 3, 2024

Plant Juice

A relatively new type of juice which has seen its origins in Robertson, South Africa. This type of juice is derived from Jelly Fish Semen mixed with many different types of liquids including a small ratio of alcohol. It’s brewers mainly serve it and have always called it plant juice as the semen in its early stages looks like a plant.

The Kelly family went to the sea to find Jellyfish so that they can start brewing plant juice.

by Jellyfish_Juice May 16, 2019

Lesbian House Plant

translating an original text of mediocre quality gamer from the origin language get good.

in the target language of just get good.

Andrew begins to imagine his G-fuel is kicking in and can miss no shot or no man left on his 144 fps monitor.

IN all reality Andrew is just running it down mid causing our team to want to ALT4, leaving our teammates no choice but to ask him if his brain is still intact.... im babling...long story short Andrew is upset I told him to stop running down midlane like his third stimulus is there. It's not, we all know it's not.

Verb: Jonathan got cucked by a an alley nade, jonathan then proceeds to tell Kyle you are being a lesbian house plant for being upset that im upset you naded me.

by tcb April 2, 2021

ninja plant

In Counter-Strike, a ninja plant occurs when a player on the T side plants the bomb very early into the round, onto a defended bomb site, unopposed.

Ninja plants are commonly achieved using a sneaky smoke bomb, with a clever choice of movement, or simply by pure luck. Ninja plants are usually embarrassing for the CTs, as it shows their lack of attention and/or skill.

Seeing the poor positioning of opponents, the T player took a deep breath before sneaking onto bomb site A, managing to ninja plant the bomb before the CTs could get him on his crosshair. He then quickly hid behind a box, waiting for his teammates to arrive at the bomb site.

by unterwegs November 17, 2024