Source Code

Romans 4

Romans 4 states that Bruder is awesome.

Hey Bruder, Romans 4.

by ipoopedinyourcatbox October 30, 2008


To ponder perturbingly about the former Roman Empire.

Person A: "Honey, try some of this. It's really good".

Person B: "Really? It looks weird".

Person A: "When in Rome...."

Person B: "When in Rome we can eat until we're throwing up and then start a new meal".

Person A: 😒 "Stop Romanating and try the fucking thing".

by William_Shakingspear October 11, 2023

San Roman

Group of idiots

"Hey come on guys don't be a San Roman!"

by noodles.18 July 23, 2013

Roman Straw

when you suck up someone’s cum and spit it into their butthole.

I love giving my boyfriend roman straws!

by veganfarts77 December 6, 2022

roman kim

He likes girls with brown hair and wants to cuddle her forever. He’s Asian,loyal,funny, and smart. Never wants to let her girl go.

Roman Kim is the way to go

by Mother Karen October 24, 2019

Roman Kim

Roman Kim is a name that wants to cuddle his girlfriend all day. He gets nervous around the girl. He wants all her attention but doesn’t want to admit it. He’s an Asian boy and loves Asian girls.

Hi I’m a Roman Kim and I love to cuddle my girlfriend

by Mother Karen October 24, 2019

roman kim

Wants to cuddle his girlfriend all day. Gets nervous around her and doesn’t act like himself around her. He is a Asian boy and is into Asian girls. Never let go of him. He’s also loyal, nice, funny, and smart. Super cute and only likes cute, Asian, brown haired, girls with a beautiful smile. He’s a keeper

Wow, He’s such a Roman Kim

by Mother Karen October 25, 2019