Source Code

18 year old

The Age You Are Officially A Fucking Adult

Me: Yeah I'm An 18 Year Old Now I Can Move Out Of My Parents Cruddy Home!

by I am cool 2015 January 4, 2020

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Year's Eve

The night before the first hangover of a new calendar year.

One is feeling rather queasy: it was New Year's Eve last night.

by Achilles January 3, 2004

548๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž

new year's eve

A night when groups of adults get drunk and use explosives when intoxicated. In some cultures they melt metal objects to artefacts.

The dog was scared of the noises on new year's eve.

by j-hi January 7, 2004

4087๐Ÿ‘ 1517๐Ÿ‘Ž

20 years old

the most pointless age ever. you may as well turn 19 two years in a row. there is absolutely nothing significant about this age except, perhaps, the commonly said "you're not a teen anymore!" ... big fucking deal. i still can't legally drink.

"happy birthday, kelsey!.. wow, 20 years old!.. you're not a.."
"shut the hell up."
"hey, now! only 365 more days until you can.."

by KELSCULLHAAII August 16, 2009

484๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

21.5 year rule

The amount of time after a tragedy when it becomes acceptable to make fun of it.

"Man, she went off like Mount St. Helens!" = Acceptable within the 21.5 year rule. Mount St. Helens tragedy was in 1980, well over 21.5 years ago.

"Man, she freaked out like the people on the planes right before they slammed into the towers!" = Unacceptable within the 21.5 year rule. Will become acceptable on March 11, 2023.

by mynameisbeingused July 17, 2008

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

13 year old

A person who is 13 years of age no insults to them they dont deserve it. This usually used as an insult such as " dumb 13 year old kpop stan" or "fatherless dream stan" but those people are usually not even 13 yet and was it that obvious? none that age assumes is over the age of 14. 13 year olds are just going through puberty and its the worst time to be alive.

Some Beluga Fan on the Youtube comment section: lol stfu i bet ur like 13 go watch tiktok the garbage content ever
The 13 year old with a brain: You know i cant control my age right? fuck off and go find a hobby to do loser.

by Lolorator360 February 16, 2022

26๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

7 Year Itch

The common time period where the desirable, or sometimes undesirable, urge to change comes about. The need for dramatic change in life develops every 5-7 years.

This change grows within the human mind, both consciously and subconsciously, and implements necessary action "To Do" something different even though, many times, there is really no need in your current life to do it (ie, Happily Married, A Steady Job, Steady Income, Nice House, etc).

The human mind continually seeks and desires change every 5-7 years in life, for without it, the mind would have nothing to do and no where to grow.

"7 Year Itch"
Life Changing Points Occur Every 7 Years Beginning At Age 5 In Life:
5-11: Kindergarten and your younger school life starts.
12-18: Jr. High & high school years.
19-25: College years or after HS years, first adult years, party years for many.
26-32: Marriage, settling down, big moving time period, buy your first house, starting having kids, etc.
33-39: Divorce, separation, more moving, new job, realization that you are getting older, first real mental or physical problems in life.
40-46: Development of a new career, new marriage, more moving, new path in life, first experience with many closely related deaths in the family.
47-53: Settling down, preparing for retirement, traveling, grandchildren, realization of how short life is for everyone.
54-60: Retirement, if you're lucky, slowing down and settling down, continually dealing with less and less of others who you were close to in life actually being around.
61-67: Living life to the fullest and trying to be happy and thankful everyday that you wake up. But for many, just counting the days to death.
68-74: Have your life insurance plan set and ready for your family, pick your coffin, burial site and more. Pray.
75+: Pray some more, smile, be happy...smoke a bowl...and be thankful for what life has given you Everday, Day In & Day Out!!

by Rkballer June 29, 2010

83๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž