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Spring's whore

A title made for the best of springs bitches and mutuals

mootie 1: I just added "Spring's whore" to my dn!
Spring: good moot <3

by konoyo11010loading February 9, 2024

Whore Behavior

A woman who behaves like a simp for validation from the male species (Female version)

When a certain individual acts like they are showing some fag intentions (Male version)

“this women is demonstrating whore behavior” (female version)

Connor is really acting stupid, he’s showing so much whore behavior (male version)

by Infant Launcher September 22, 2022

whore behavior

The act of doing something stupid or saying something of less intelligence.

Person 1: Bitch I know i did not spend $300 on clothes

Person 2: Ugh whore behavior

by Sofiacuzwhynot October 12, 2020

OF whore

A type of girl who doesnt care about showing her body to everyone and will beg for you to pay to see her content on Onlyfans. A OF whore will promote their content on Twitter (as now called X), Instagram (they will try to bypass the filter by using see-through dresses or shirts)

Max:Dude I saw a OF whore on Twitter, should I buy it?
Simon: no. Don’t, they are begging for your money

by FaZeDecoy21 July 20, 2024

Bum whore

Fat, ugly, bitch that has nothing better to do with her life.

Julia: “hey bum whore
Lilly: “you bitch
Julia: “stfu you blonde headed bimbo

by Bum whore November 13, 2020

Colossal Whore

A bag of potatoes that you might be able to fuck.

She is all about that base pounding on a thriving dick. She's a colossal whore.

by Colossalwhore May 20, 2018

whore snag

The act of stealing ones whore after they told their friend they could have first pick of the pussy.

The whores showed up at the party right on time. I picked mine but before I knew what happened Doc Z pulled a whore snag and fucked my girl!

by White Power mike February 24, 2014