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what did the giraffe say to the spider

dont cheat and look up my tinder jokes...

Guy: what did the giraffe say to the spider
Girl: *Pikachu face when she googles it*

by tinderdadjoke July 24, 2021

Whats Your mongolian beef?

An Authentic Mongolian barbecue place that’s serves up tasty treats with a side of sass

What’s up with you? Are you hungry, hangry or both? Seriously Whats your Mongolian beef?

by Guleethedogsout April 12, 2023

What the biff Richard

Used to show how pissed off you are at someone. The "Richard" signifies that you are so pissed you don't even know who the fuck you're talking to.

"Hey I peed in your mom's mouth."

by Paco Taco the Blaco March 24, 2018

1👍 1👎

What's up

dude ok bro what's up mean what is up liek come on how did you not know that already unless you live under a rock.

what's up can define to hello and a radical and cool way.

by Hello guys so today i dont December 30, 2022

whats up

something you say when you bouta fight someone

Guy 1: Ay, whats up?

Guy 2: Whats up?

by f1zzis0da July 11, 2024

What's Up?

Street Slang Meanin' What's Goin' On?, Whazzup?, Whazz Up?, Wassup?, Sup?, Sup Witchu?, Sup Witcha?, What's Poppin'?, Whazz Poppin'?, What's Happenin'?, What's Hanninan?, How Are You Doin'?, How Yew Doin'?, How Are You?, How Yew?, How Are You Feelin'?, How Yew Feelin'?, What's Trendin'?, What's New With You?, What's New With Yew?, What's New Witchu? & What's New Witcha?

"Yo Killa Cam!! What's Up? Zero. Erstreet At Ever Soo Much At Ever Str8 Thuggin', Ever Str8 Stuntin' & Ever Livin' Life Fully." - Erstreet Harlem aka Harlem, Flea, Kiery Weiry & Freshley.

by Hzr February 24, 2022

What's up

"What's up" is an informal greeting that is often used as a way to say "hello" or "how are you." It is a casual and informal way to initiate conversation, and it is often used among friends and peers. The phrase is versatile, and it can be used in different situations, such as when you meet someone new, when you haven't seen someone in a while or when you're trying to start a conversation with someone. It is a colloquial expression and it's commonly used in spoken language, but it can also be found in text messages, social media, and online chats. It is a way to signal that you are friendly and approachable, and it is often used in a more relaxed or casual setting. Some people might respond to "What's up" with a simple "not much" or "just hanging out" as a way to indicate that they are relaxed and open to conversation. Other people might use the phrase to ask about someone else's well-being or to express their own. It's a simple but effective phrase that helps people to connect and make small talk.

Joe: "Hey Bob, what's up?"

Bob: "Not much, just hanging out. What's new with you?"

Joe: "Not much, just finished up a project at work. How's the new job going?"

Bob: "It's going great, thanks for asking. I'm loving it so far."

Joe: "That's great to hear. Want to grab a beer later and catch up?"

Bob: "Sure, that sounds good. What time works for you?"

Joe: "How about 7 o'clock at the usual spot?"

Bob: "Sounds good, see you then."

by dwdwefewf January 21, 2023