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Beth Brown

You may think it's a good idea from behind 15ft away. Once you engage you wonder how she aged 60 years. Don't go any father for it's your grandmother's scratched records down under.

You live where? They got them beth browns over there. Yeah! Gums it up!

by BrattyGinger13 October 2, 2020

italian brown bess

Loading ones anus with lasagna using a broomstick to ram it in there, much like how one loads a musket.

Boy, Charlie got wild last night with the italian brown bess.

by CIAButNot May 14, 2023

Brown Wind Of Doom

When a man cuts a particularly loud or smelly fart at the wrong time, and any chance of romance for the rest of the evening is ruined.

I was going to get laid last night, but I let loose with the Brown Wind Of Doom.

by 2chair May 20, 2015

Sexy brown

Aiesha. Period.

Aiesha's shade is rare.. She's NOT white. She's SEXY BROWN.

by Aiesha@anonymous July 1, 2022

Brown Bagel

A brown bagel is when your partner shuts and covers their vagina with it. Then you proceed to eat them out

Yo my girl really switched it up on me last night, had me do the brown bagel with her

by Daddyuwuyesplease February 23, 2019

Max Browne

Max Browne is a typical British white posh name. Browne is a really posh surname and he probably grew up in a big house in West London.

Look it’s Max Browne he is driving another car!

by qwertyo123 November 23, 2021

Brown Daddy

A really hot mother fucker also might be refered to as jalen might be black or mexican has ugly ass hair tho but very sexual texter

omg brown daddy is sexy

by Trinity October 11, 2016