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Wally and the Beaver

Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, democratic candidates for President and Vice President in the 1984 election.

From two characters in the Leave it to Beaver TV show.

Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro were a couple of mush wimp do-gooder liberal twerps. They wanted to raise taxes use the money to support lazy people. They wanted to pass and enforcepolitically correct racist laws. During the campaign, people ridiculed them as "Wally and the Beaver."

by Joao Bufamarillo May 13, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

feed the beaver

a tem used to describe the act taken by a stripper when a dollar bill is folded and placed on the flat surface where she is standing (usually a stage)in a triangular shape pointing up, the stripper then proceeds to squat down and picks up the dollar with her hairy little beaver. if the puntang is shaven see feed the kitty

I love playing feed the beaver with Candi at the strip club

by Da Snake August 27, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

beaver cheese

Curdled duck butter.

When I went down on my bitch, i noticed the build-up of beaver cheese all up in her shit! Damn woman, clean up your butter!

by J-Dawg March 15, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

beaver diving

Putting your dick in a vagina.

yo man i went beaver diving with Daves mom last night

by Amar Mujadzic November 17, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

beaver cleaver

A penis that has been fortified with Viagra and poppers in order to make its presence known in a Montana Beaver. The cleaving process is time consuming and exhausting. It requires a dedicated man willing to screw a woman who has indiscriminately screwed everything, animate and inanimate. The beaver cleaver is a high calling that only a special few can answer.

Jerry was tapped into active duty beaver cleaver status after Fran declared war on all phallic objects, thus acquiring a Montana beaver.

by Fran December 31, 2004

56๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

squirting beaver

when the fanny gymen releases a high pressure jet of fishy juice from within the gash at a moment of extreme pleasure. This can shock the recieving party who gets hosed down by this beaver juice.

Oh my god that beaver just opened up and squirted me in the eye. Wash out with warm water to aviod infection, if irritation occurs seek medical advise. If swallowed has no nutritional value. I now stink like the inside of a haddock pasty

by Bean,Dave May 18, 2005

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Spread Beaver

Showing the vaginal area.

I saw these chicks flashing trucks on the highway, they had spread beavers!

by Hawkwarrior27 January 1, 2004

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