1) An amount of money that is less than a dollar, consisting of coins.
2) An undesirable amount of change that you can't really buy anything with.
"Yeah, I was standing at the counter and she handed me back some Dooky change. What am I supposed to do with that?"
Person 1- "Let's go to the strip club!"
Person 2- "No way man those girls aren't worth Dooky change."
a very sharty bestie that gives great hugs and is a pookie bear
me:my sister such a dooky
my sister: shut the ^%$#$$#$$^#^%$%%^&*&^*(^%$#$%#$#^%$#^%#%^$%^#$^$%^$%^#^%^ up
Milwaukee origin: 414 slang for the Nike Air Force 1 shoe, most often used as variant, "black dookies."
After game 3 of the 2021 NBA Playoffs when Giannis Antetokounmpo score 41 points:
"Giannis gotta wear tha black dookies b4 every game now!"
Air Force 1s or white lows
A term derived from Milwaukee Wisconsin
You seen the new cool gray dookies
What you call the factory black steel wheels behind the hubcaps on a car.
Your car looks like shit, rolling around on those dookies. You need to pop those hubcaps back on, or get a new set of wheels.