Being highly intoxicated on opiates, nodding, and having a very sleepy look on your face. half shut eyes, and a slack jaw is common.
After I did all that oxycodone last night, I was completely Shawn faced.
named after the Washington Redskins' head coach Jim Zorn. A zorn face is a facial expression of false interest, or concern. Used to conceal the fact that you don't give a crap either way, since you get paid the same just to show up.
You know, Bill, the all-staff meeting on email ettiquette was a complete waste of time. Still I just put on my "Zorn face" and made it look like a was totally engaged.
Often used to describe the degree to which a person is or is not attractive while performing fellatio. Most likely originates from the observation that some women are not quite as cute when they are giving head.
"Man, your girlfriend is stunning."
"Isn't she? Just between you and me though... lousy head face."
Tim face is when someone has a permanent look on their face that makes you want to throat punch them.
Look at him with his Tim face!
A teen (or adult) who wears a prosthetic face mask to hide his scars, Sally Face is a sweet boy with a kind heart and blue pigtails, as an adult, he will wear his hair down. We do not deserve this angelic boy <3.
Larry: Hey Sal!
Sally Face: Hey Larry
Larry: Wanna listen to Sanity Falls with me?
Sally Face: Hell yeah!
when your face is totally devoid of emotion, usually after someone has made a lame joke
Scarlett didnt think Dads joke was funny so she showed him her monotone face
where the face resides, a smoke an swedge den, where techno comes from.
"where have you been"
"in the face cave"