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Cupcake Fever

When you watch so many BrittaniLouiseTaylor videos on Youtube you start to get a craving for cupcakes.

Girl:Oh boy Brittani is so amazing but now I'm hungry again.
Boy:Uh oh don't tell me its bieber fever?
Girl:No I think it's cupcake fever.

by Deztiny August 21, 2010

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To have bieber-fever is to be a huge fan of Justin Beiber. You must hav e atleast 50 posters of him hanging on your bedroom walls. Kiss those posters constantly. Wear t-shirts with his face on them. Change your last name on facebook to Bieber. Have one of his songs as a ringtone. And Know all the words to all his songs.

bf: hey babe do you have bieber-fever?

gf: well my name is Barbie Bieber
bf 1: thats it! if your going to go around pretending to marry other men then we're done!
gf: ok. (thought: yes!)

by htak hsan July 15, 2010

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Jungle Fever

When a person has love for somebody from another race.

Look at him talking to that white girl he got "Jungle Fever"

by Munkyman22 July 8, 2009

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Bieber Fever

A horrible and highly contagious flesh eating virus contracted during sexual intercourse

-Dude, your girlfriend's skin is on fire
-No, she's just got some Bieber Fever.

by Your name can't be blank bitch February 10, 2011

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Zoo Fever

This disease is a type of bestiality in which the suffer actually feels attracted to monkeys. This disease has many dangerous side effects such as monkey blow jobs, making-out with monkeys, naked showers with monkeys, or in extreme cases monkey sex. This can lead to all kinds of problems such as AIDS, planet of the apes syndrome, or extreme social isolation.

Dude Josh just fucked the monkey! His zoo fever really took hold of him after a few shots of vodka. I just hope he doesn't have AIDS now.

by COXXX June 12, 2008

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prairie fever

Much like "jungle fever" except instead of craving an African-American man or woman, you want some of that Pocahontas action. Only a true Redskin will satisfy you

I just cant shake this prairie fever, the chief's daughter is so hot!

by Coophatch5 February 28, 2014

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yellow fever

Something you have and you know it. t. Can also be a boner for asian. Stop watching the Jap crap porn you fucking sack of shit

I had a boner for asians. Then i knew i had yellow fever. :)

by Beanthief69 September 29, 2018

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