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The dyslexic version of the little red guy out of Sesame Street.

"Weclome to Emo's Wolrd!!"


by Barry Michaelmore July 11, 2008

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Okay. I'm gonna give you my insight on the word emo. Emo isn't:
- Wrist slitting
- Suicide thinking
- Tight jean wearing
- Scarves year-round
- Face covering hair
- Converse
- Depresing music with pointless choruses
-Crazy eye make-up

Emo has concepts which are hidden behind stereotypes and MTV's lies. Emo isn't simply a way to dress. Nor is it an easy way to get girls. Emos may wear tight clothes and worn out shoes. Worn our shoes are comfortable and band t-shirts support your favorite bands. Crying shows your not made of stone. Writing poetry shows creativity. Emos usually write poetry about things that have happened recently in their lives. Sometimes this helps them get better insight on what happened and helps them get through it. I know it helps me get through everything. Some may even write songs. Emos usually have a reason to be emotional such as being raped, beaten, or ignored as a child, especially by someone you love.

Cutting has been stereotyped to emos. Not all cutters are emos and not all emos are cutters.

Emo music is brought from the writters' experience in relationships and family issues in some case. I believe the music tells kids that they're not alone in the world. Sometimes you need that feeling when you feel alone and useless.

For everyone that thinks emos all sit in dark corners and cry as they slit their wrists, I think you're wrong. They may sit in dark corners and they might cry, but it's not your problem. You don't like them then stay away from them. They are coping with their own problems that don't need to put up with the shit you're giving them too. Get a fucking life. If you have nothing better to do then make fun of them, you must be a fucking loser.

Losers w/ no life ragging on emos.

Kyle- Dude, did you see that emo kid?
Matt- I know dude, did you see his eyeliner? What the fuck is up with that?
Kyla- Dude, I know. His pants were like so fucking tight. You could practically see his dick.
Matt- Dude, why do you know that???

by kaylaxhatesxthexworldx September 9, 2007

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A lifestyle chosen by people.

Originally was a label of music but has now expanded to a lifestyle. Mostly high schoolers dress "emo". This is currently defined as black straight hair, tight girl pants, band shirts and can include self-mutilation (cutting), writing depressive poetry and dressing somewhat dark.

For the people who think that "emo" people are fags or queers or anything offensive. You are wrong. Its just how they wish to be. If you are a prep you aren't necessarily rich and happy all the time.

Emo should be defined as dressing and acting differently from the current scene of life. Not being 'emotional' or being a 'wannabe goth'.

Good version) She dresses emo, look at that purse, I would've never thought to decorate it like that.

Bad version)OMG! He is soooo Emo. I say we go make fun of him until he cries, or rips out his fake black hair so he can cut himself and write a song about it. *giggles like an idiot*

by cookie-queen October 27, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A pussier version of punk music that always cries, bitches, and moans about how life in suberbia sucks so much. Somehow it became popular fad, leading to large populations of emo inhabiting our school systems.

Emos can be seen feeding off of bread and water(as most are vegans), wearing tight sriped cotton shirts, tight girls jeans ( all emos seem to be members of the vajority), sriped wool scarfs, and cutting themselves in the school bathrooms. Be waery of joining the emos, for once you become one, you can never go back. Just like a sex change, Coincidence?

Normal person: Thats a nice striped shirt you got there. What is it, an extra small?
Emo: I don't know, the tag only had woman sizes on it.

by Rim Jobs March 5, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emo IS a type a music

but has now been turned into a lifestlye
which consits of
cutting ones wrist
wanting to die
and being deppersed all the time

it is also a fashin stlye:
wearing all black

Friend:do you wanna hangout today?
Emo: if im the one doing the hanging.

by MasterOfTheWicket April 16, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Rather large group of people who act depressed and rant about their angst in an attempt to be noticed. NOT actually depressed, just putting on the facade that they are to get attention. Constantly tell people they are "going to commit suicide" but don't because they are just attention whores. Emo is short for emotional and maybe should be short for Emotionally dramatic. They jump at every opportunity to manipulate others with their "Feelings."

Girl: i have to go to the movies with some friends tonight
Boy: Fine! Go! Thanx a lot for making me kill myself....
Girl: NO! No i'll stay -she sighs- Please, baby don't kill yourself
Boy: Fine...since your going to stay.....
Girl2 (eavesdropper): Wow, he's such an Emo

by Jonnyzilla June 23, 2010

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A group of fucking people that want other people to feel bad for them. Go ahead and wear black become an outsider to society. If you want to be that person that everyone stares at go ahead. No one feels sorry for you for cutting your damn wrist. Get over your life. Life is not meant for sadness or black. It's meant to be happy.

She is so emo. No one feels sorry for her

by Italian Mafia June 10, 2009

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