It’s a pigeon what did you expect. If you see these weird looking creatures your better run the other direction. They will chase you until your dead
“Oh look a pigeon we best run “
Our benevolent feathered overlords, deserving of respect and many saltines. At their forefront, King Earle Hansen, pigeon king of the universe.
Don't fear the pigeon
I think they are cool, but all they really are is fickle birds who don't give a crap about anything that doesn't involve food.
They is flappy and I is liking them coz I is da pigeon master!
a derogatory term used against gentan people
marissa is a pigeon have you seen her big ass head ?
A pigeon is a person from Ghana.
They usually like to fly around instead of walking as it’s much more quicker and essential
Look at that pigeon in the playground
Did you know Kwaame is a pigeon?