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A bitch is someome who acts like a whore, or is someone reciculously mean.

"You turned my innocent joke into something perverted! You're a bitch, Jessica!"

"I'm pissed at that bitch for not sharing her fries with me! That's not nice!"

by Chester Swilley September 17, 2011

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The big word shitty guys use to describe a respectable woman with standards who calls them out on their shit. Also known as a "slut" (regardless if the woman is sexually active or not.)

Every time a bad guy refers to a woman as a "bitch", that girl probably has 9000 things to say about him or his behavior back at him while he has nothing to back it up. A bitch is usually a girl who demands respect or doesn't put out, or has things going for her. A bitch is someone who doesn't let men walk all over her. A bitch is every girl besides a guy's mom, and usually men who call women bitches live with their mom and probably will never move out. LOL

Alana caught me cheating and called me out on being a loser in fine detail, what a bitch.

by California Bae Area December 27, 2016

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1. A female dog
2. A knobhead can use this term and try to get away scott free by saying the following statements:
Bitch is a dog. Dogs bark. Bark is a part of a tree. Tree's nature. And nature's beautiful.
3. A person who whines all the time.
4. A person owned by a pimp.

1."How's your bitch, Bill?"

"Oh, she's got 8 puppies"
2. "You're such a bitch, Britney!"


"I meant she's beautiful!"

(Teacher) "Kden"

"Stop bitching Mark."
4."How's your bitch Bill?"

"She's brought in ยฃ500."

by TerribleDefinitions January 27, 2015

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A "Bitch"

A Bitch is someone that causes much arousal in passing whilst in a library or oranother learning area

BITCH = Beautiful Intellectual That Causes Hardons

That teacher is a A "bitch"
Man that bitch is smart

by Nigel Jermey August 8, 2006

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Bitch, bitch, nigga

A phrased used by friends to show comradery.

Nick: Bitch, bitch, nigga.

Brandon: Nigga, nigga, bitch.

by GFYMNIGGER October 2, 2023

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a girl who has:
a. nothing to offer a man besides looks
b. nothing to a man besides pussy
c.nothing to a man besides looks and pussy
d.nothing to offer to a man

bitches are boring to be around, stupid, and dont set themselves apart from other girls. a banal existence indeed. this is why most girls are bitches

85% of females are bitches

by z3r0s3volution April 17, 2011

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1. Person, usually female (although terminology is becoming increasingly popular in the male aspect), who believe themselves to be better than everybody else except a selection of fellow bitches (who pretend to be good friends but bitch about each other when they're not around). They also act snooty towards people they believe to be inferior to them

2. To talk about somebody behind their back negatively, also known as back-stabbing. Practice is most commonly carried among bitches.

3. A Female Dog

4. Abbey Maclean

1. Denya pretended to be Ellie's friend but always talked behind her back because she was a bitch

2. "Omg Ellie, come over to my house and we can have a bitch about everyone at school"

3. Roxie the dog is a bitch

4. Abbey is the epitome of bitch

by Maccas-Slut February 2, 2008

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